Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. As I said in my recent post. I am not favoring one side over another I just want someone to make a decision and apply it
  2. waits patiently for 300 forum posts for help fininshing eb's
  3. this is so stupid! If u really wanna silence then send a warning to the clan in one is actually gonna go through the wc and count how many adds similar adds are out!
  4. I agree with you princess, They should just get rid of this rule (no offense to the players who do like this rule) but "I" personally think they should get rid of the rule or at least make some changes.
  5. Hey big brother take a god damn step back ur standing on my junk. What's ur problem. U just can't stop changing the game can u. No news feed, no ads, no clan hopping, calling ur own game mechanics exploits. Add to the game stop restraining everything. This silence should not be counted toward ur perm silences. Now what, when I log in I have to check with a hundred people to see if they posted an add. Pick a rule and stick with it! Jesus....Christ
  6. Lol I agree XD just calm down on the rules devs XD lol
  7. crap! more than 5 forum posts on the same topic... we should all be silenced -_-
  8. Will the silence be 24 hrs still or less and what about adding for another clan?
  9. Any clan that lacks the organization (or wit) to control who is spamming WC at any given time, probably deserves to have its members silenced.

    As far as I can tell, only dumb people will end up getting silenced, so what's the big deal?

    Oh, hang on...
  11. Wow this is even worse... Now we will be silenced more and more. This is my fourth silence and by none other then Petal baby . No one talks in world chat anyways. When they do chat it's about whose religion is right or "better" or about racism.
  12. If you've been silenced four times, you're doing it wrong...
  13. I would still prefer an ad chat option, it would make ads more accessable and there would be just convosations in wc
  14. This is good. As long as clan mates post ad out in cc it will be fine
  15. Everyone saying that clans should "just be organized" is missing the point. That doesn't always happen; people go to bed, some zealous admin starts a big EB at the wrong time, or maybe it's finally time to unlock something and you need help...

    The first post by kaw said they want to "combat the rise in ad spam taking over WC" as if this were some Brand New Thing. There have always been ads. There have always been people crying about too many ads. More rules will not stop the ads. Buy more nobs and go back to sleep.
  16. We are going to see a lot of ads where the clan name will be omitted from the ad. How the mods and devs will be able to track this way around?
  17. I agree with YODA

    after this rule is introduced you are going to see post like

    "NML HERE come get your drops"

    the mods are going to have a hard time tapping on all names & noting which clan they belong to.

    some may lose sleep, some may even loose a part of their Hair
  18. Exactly what Yoda said, this rule will make Mods want to retire
  19. I say. Why fight it!! Just accept it and give in. If someone decides to blow their 25 speakers in 5 min, so be it. Who cares what they say. They will have effectively silenced themselves for 24 hours.
  20. You should just make 2 chats. One for ads, and one for just chatting.