Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. Noo its not good why the 5th one suffer if he doesnt know that other clan member posting the add at same time. Seriously not liking the new rule
  2. And yes wouldnt it be great to make a diffrent chat room for adds where players dont have to use speakers so players wont post adds on wc i think it would be a better idea and if anyone post adds on wc he/she should be silenced this way both chat rooms are happy and people enjoy chat plus adds
  3. Should just silence any ads. When will they listen and have a separate ad chat.
  4. Also eagle you have a brilliant singing voice :-S
  5. Eagle I'm not even sure what you are saying...

    "There will be no warnings, that gives everyone a chance to read up..."

  6. Also posting reminders doesn't help anyone since a clan about to fail an EB will spam anyway and take the chance of getting silenced over losing the EB.

    To top ot all off this is horrible timing coming out of war season when we are all trying to regroup and run bigger EB's. Would it really be that hard to add a new tab? Or like several have said before: replace that worthless ally chat tab that nobody uses! J/S
  7. @bob, this gives the community least 1 week to review this new rule, once the rule is live *7th june*, only a handful of warnings will be given.
  8. How does the 5th person in the clan know how many times the ad was posted before him?
  9. Exactly elf. We are just supposed to know.

    @Eagle, that's very nice that there is a trial period. What about new players who are more likely to get silenced anyway since they ant keep up with all the rules?
  10. Sorry, that was kind of off-topic about new people, the point is that this rule won't stop the spam...
  11. @bob, that's when the warnings come into action with new players.

    New players: warnings if we feel that this is needed.

    Old players: rarely we warn but some times it's handy to warn players if they don't know some of the rules we remind them before silencing.

    We will warn first before taking action, first action we will be taking is that we will be walling and informing the admins and owner to remind the members to refrain from posting for 5 minutes if the ads per posted 4 times.
  12. I can't wait to start Chaos in WC.
  13. Also a good tip to prevent being silenced, if you are gonna post an post on public channels and you are not sure if its a silence offense please contact you're local moderators so we may able to tell you if it's ok or not to post.
  14. Warnings will not prevent more posts. Silencing spammers will not keep them from spamming again. More rules will just confuse players. Thanks for not actually listening to any requests so far and regurgitating whatever line you were given by the devs for those of us who challenge the great and mighty Mods...

    (I think I just woke up cranky today lmao!)
  15. Great another way we can get silenced
  16. Its never a good idea to take punitive action against one person for another persons actions. I responsible for my own actions, but how can I be held accountable for another's?

    The potential for abuse here is huge, as most players cannot monitor actions, and various chats at the same time. A clan owner and admin can try to monitor, but cannot ever completely control what members do, and if a player wanted to, could use alts or friends within or outside of the clan to instantly make the next ad silencable.

    Great, you say? Yay, no more ads... But the rancor / ee war and t8 eb craze has killed many clans to the point where they must post ads to survive.

    Furthermore, lets talk about the quality of the wc without ads that everyone seeks... There are only so many "yo mama" and "chuck norris" jokes one can stand. After that you are left with rougue players trying to offend and/ or get silenced, and the dating crowd. So can i expect the 'wanna rp' tools to get silenced as well? how about the 'buy my allies' or 'volly me' folks?

    So you hate clan ads. Guess what is coming when this rule goes active. That's right... ads in your inbox. Get ready to unfollow everyone, cause those ads are coming in pm... and when you are trying to get your date and sell your ally in the new and improved wc, lurkers will be waiting to wall you their ads, thus interrupting your enjoyment of that great 'yo mamma' joke.

    Finally, i would suggest a few fixes... First I think with very few exceptions, that ally chat is the most underutilized feature in kaw, and thus could be used as 'ad chat'. Second, if there were a better way to search for the eb that you were looking for, maybe the current amount of ads wouldn't be necessary.
  17. Finally I won't have to see a sea of rainbow clan ads
  18. Need to make room for the tweens to sext each other and the sexual predators to pick up kids with "RP'ing".

    Maybe I'll start suggest to Chris Hanson to use this as a medium for Dateline's to Catch a Predator
  19. Don't get me wrong or anything but, there is good reasons and bad reasons this rule was made. Good: An awfully lot of ads about their stupid clan are being cut back by alot. Bad: What if you "accidentally" post and add just once and you have no idea that someone else was posting adds and (you) are the one who gets silenced. So there you have it, Devs can you plz at least make a small change to this rule I'm sure that someone else agrees with my thread and others don't but I just wanted the devs to see reasoning. Thank you:
  20. Support for everything gotcha and bacon said! It's way too complicated and the last thing we need at this point is more regulation.

    "Clans send lots of ads, even when we silence them. Solution? Silence them more!"

    Personally ads don't bother me, at least try are pretty and somewhat creative. Like it was already pointed out WC will just be all Peres and "HIRE ME" posts. Or it will just be a dead WC....