Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. I'd much prefer that you update the game with a separate new chat just for ads (WC/CC/AC/ADS)
  2. i wish serious luck to the moderators, they are already having troubles keeping track of people who break the TOU when there's alot of traffic in world chat... well regardless, thank god that this was implemented, im tired of seeing all of this spam on world chat
  3. Hell yes a seperate page JUST for clan adds would be perfect!!!!!!!!!
  4. While I agree with this why isn't there an advert list?

    Like WC but just ads?
  5. @Swabia
    Probably to keep it from getting complicated. This is an easier solution I believe.
  6. What a dumb rule. Have you read what the idiots are chatting on wc? Now that's real spam! Meaningless conversation!

    Ads serve a purpose.
  7. Swab. Been suggested about 20 times on this thread. If no one else does, ill email them about it. It's a good idea.

  8. So does your mom
  9. Farceodile, please do. We've as a group emailed this suggestion to Devs a dozen times.

    'Thank you for your suggestion'

    Doesn't seem to get anywhere.
  10. Hmmm. That's disappointing. You would think they would listen to you more. Clearly not.

    Surely support can do better than that though? Every time i have emailed I've received a fairly reasonable response fairly quickly. I am surprised others haven't for something that really Is a good idea.
  11. Stupid rule, won't stop spam.

    Add a new tab for ads like people have been requesting? Doubtful...
  12. A scrollable clan directory?
  13. Also, first person to spell Farrcodile wrong. Farr is easier.
  14. What's next buy me or volley me spam. Great update!
  15. I think it's a good idea but since there will be a lot more silencing u should only have them silenced in wc and still allow them to communicate in cc
  16. I like this and hate it too...

    My job as admin is to recruit members. If I happen to post ads after my teammates without knowledge of their activities, then get silenced, I can no longer perform my duty as admin. There are other ways to combat this issue.

    Adding a new tab to chat feature titled "KaW-lassifieds" is a great idea I have heard suggested. I know I would go there to find eb's I am lacking.

    Hope this feedback is helpful, you guys do a great job! Keep up the good work!!
  17. I find this as a try for an easy way out but it's just going to be much harder for the moderators. :shock:
  18. To give everyone the heads up guys, this is a early reminder/warning for everyone, when 7th june 12:01am comes around, hopefully everyone will have a chance to look at this new rule, so for, posting with members and exceeds: 5 or more there will be no warnings as this gives everyone a chance to read up, hand amount of warnings will only be given.
  19. Also nearly forgotten within the post, moderators will post several reminders about this rules daily to help the community to invoid being silenced.