Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. This is not such an amazing update
  2. Frat just now noticing lol
  3. Not cool at all.
  4. Worst idea i've heard off!!.... Going the right way about getting people to join the game  Not!! 
  5. Just get rid of ally chat and replace with ad chat
  6. Again I agree with chels but just add ad chat don't get rid of ally chat
  7. I don't really like least make a separate place for ads cuz as someone said on page one what if you don't know you clanmate posted ad already and you didn't know about it?
  8. Yea it's a stupid attempt. When a clan is in trouble trying to finish an eb. People will try to help by placing a clan add and get silenced unknowingly cuz 4 others post as well. What I've come to love about the people running this game. Always good for a laugh. Derp.

  9. agreed
  10. This really sucks wht happens if u dont know tht ur clan mates posted this is basically a trap this game is starting to suck theres to many rules
  11. OK, now my 5 cents worth on this one...

    Per se, this is an excellent thing. Heavy clan ads spam really is annoying whenever you try to use the wc for either chatting (it happens) or for placing your own ad. I guess that we all may agree on this point, don't we?

    However, I do have a few doubts that this will work out the way you intend to...
    My reluctance is based on the following points:

    1) Looking at the wc on my iDevice, I can't scroll back 5 minutes. So I am virtually blind and have to hope that noone (friend or fiend...) has posted a similar ad into that grey zone. I do compare it to having to drive without a speedometer and risking a speed fine as soon as I am behind the steering wheel.
    If you create a rule, give us the tools to observe that rule!

    2) While playing, my chats seem to have a certain lag...
    I am pretty sure that my game isn't polling the wc every tenth of a second and getting it back instantaneously, I certainly wouldn't call it real-time. So do I really have to say a prayer that noone else will get the brilliant idea to post the same ad as myself whenever I want to advertise? C'mon...
    You are in fact going to punish someone not based on his action, but on actions done by his peers, not necessarily under his control.

    3) I don't like the punishment people are in for such a petty offence. I predict that at the end of June, you'll have quite a bunch of newbies being perm silenced... and not necessarily out of their own fault. Not sure you'll grow the player base by this.
    If you had a mechanism to have a "mild silence" for such offences, you would address this concern. (12/24h wc silence, not counting towards the perm silence counter for example)

    4) I have seen a few mods beginning to inform the community via wc and world announcement. Well done!
    However, I am not sure that this will be enough to avoid total havoc on June the 7th... Use your system info popup at the app startup to spread the info into the last dark corners of kaw (why not have a clickable link to this announcement thread on it?).

    A lot of the success of the introduction of this new rule will depend on the mods. How prepared are mods to deal with this rule? Meisha funnily replied that mods are used to deal with spam every day. Well, well...this might get fun if some mods don't use their brains and just get trigger-happy by pedantically following the new rule. If you ever go down that road, the wc will be unusable the first week of this rule.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a grace period of a week, where people would get a warning (a paste on someone's wall or into the wc won't honestly take more time than handling a silence...). In the past, I have seen a few mods (Wabbsy, babycakes, Meisha, to name a few) warning people instead of just pushing the button. Use common sense while applying the TOU, otherwise we might as well implement bots...
    Such a grace period would permit both the community as well as the mods to get used to this new rule and accept it.

    I have seen a few very interesting ideas for improvement in this thread, especially based around the clan event screen. I hope that those will make it one day.

    As for my duty as a clan admin/owner, I will probably deal the following way with ads. If ads are necessary at one moment, designate two advertisers for placing their 2 ads per 5 minutes onto a fixed wc. No other ads permitted (at the risk of getting silenced...).
  12. I agree with many of the posters here an ad chat is definitely needed. the mods time has to be with more than the cost to dev another chat screen.

    Then the clans are free to spam all the ads they want.
  13. If 5 people post "Hi" in WC will the fifth guy get silenced?
  14. If Kaw wants room for actual conversations we need to make another world chat. One can be for ads te other for conversations. Anyone who posts an ad on the conversation one would be silenced. This would make Kaw a much better game
  15. @hsdrky1 you can talk on cc first who will send ads to avoid spamming
  16. Hi All, Devs & Admins,
    I am a noob by standards of most people here & an active admin in a noob clan.
    We need help a lot & have completed many a EB with the help of Mercs & good souls of KAWorld.
    I feel that this rule is well intentioned but poorly thought out.
    If this rule was implemented 3 months back half of our clan would be perm silenced by now & we would still be doing reck rather than NML today.
    half of the players would have left the game.
    I dont think KAw gods would want this to happen, they want new clans & they want new players
    There are lots of suggestions in this thread esp combining all the major WC in 1.
    I have now realised why our clan does not have US perms coz they never see our ads & hence we struggle to complete eb's when it is night in asian time zones. A combined WC would help us to have big EB's round the clock a true 24 hour active clan.
    I would urge the KAw Devs & admins to think over this rule again come up with a less harsh set of penalties for clan ad spam rule.
  17. I am one of the ppl suggested this. But if this rule wont be as good as what everyone thinks maybe a 2minutes cooldown per world chat message can help reduce clan ads spam
  18. Who cares about ads on WC. With no ads or limited ads for EB in WC your left with 3 things in WC to annoy you.

    1 no ads mean more room and longer time for you to see the million RP request in WC.

    2 with fewer ads hitting WC you will now have more time for the volley me or buy my inactive allies. I need the money to upgrade.

    3 now all the religious buffs will have a more open forum to try and press their views on you.

    So if think about it ad restrictions or no ad restrictions your still stuck with a bunch of post in WC that are pointless and just as annoying. Your resolving nothing at all by implementing new restrictions to ad posts in WC.
  19. How about just changing "allies chat" into "wc clan ads"?
  20. This won't affect WC that much...most clans don't post more than 4 times in 5 min anyways ...