Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. This is BRILLIANT! If anything will kill the concept of clans, this is it. No owner or admin will be able to keep track of the ads sent out all the time. Players will not be monitoring wc 100% of the time, or even cc. Ergo, players will be too paranoid to ever post ads. No recruitment…no clans. Best solution to the problem of clans EVER!!
  2. And how do we keep track of how many ads our clan members put out? 80+ people, all different servers..

  3. What about ads that are non-clan specific?
  4. Their is no way to keep track of the ads other clan members send
  5. I think if we got rid of Ally Chat because no one uses it and used it for clan ads, then you would have World Chat, Clan Chat and World Ads
  6. This rule is crazy .... so many ppl will be silenced...
    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    i agree with aramat .... THERE SHOULD BE ADVERTISE-chat only for ADS
  7. I totally agree, unlike many other kawers, i wad the first few hundred to join the game where pwars took over. Now i would like wc to go bak to the way it was.
  9. prob is that this only bring lots of work for moderators ..... they should speak on wc and not only do their duty and silence ppl

    idk why we haven't Advertise chat ... then will be ads separated and mods don't need to watch it .....
  10. Another chat would bring even more work to mods
  11. Ad chat won't work. So many reasons why, can't be bothered posting them. There's a thread somewhere about it.
  12. There's a lot of threads about it :/

    Or does ATA still everybody other than Canadians/US/UK should be discluded to their own sorry wc ?

    You do realise we don't speak the same languange in the rest of the world right ?

    Which language do you think we use to comunicate across the borders ?

    If you can read this, you may have found a clue !

    Why is it we are not allowed to see the 'real' wc ?

    All other realtime games have one wc for all, if it's a programming issue, loads of us can help ;)

    Why should we buy speakers when noone sees our adds / convos ?

    When teammates says: hahah did you see xxx in wc ? or peeps runs trivia quiz, right there you manage to make us see Canadians in another light, than we were taught.

    Do you really think you're that much better, or that noone in the rest of the world have anything to offer you ?
    I'm sorry but you guys are not the epicenter of civilization .. but we still like to chat with you from time to time ;)

    Please answer with ' it's always been that way' & 'Nothing we can do about that' like in mail response many friends have gotten.
    Cos thats the way you progress and develop into something better, real creative out of the box thinking :roll:
    People who answer ANY question that way, are dangerous and will kill any creativity, weed them out to drive your company forward.

    That been said - i like your effort towards bringing spam to a minimum ;)

  14. It should be per person, not per clan. Like someone said, you may not know your clan mates have posted. You could feasibly post once innocently and get silenced. Not fair when 3rd silence = perm silence.
  15. Omg!! Stop making new rules as u goes dev. Maybe it's time to rate this game a 1.
  16. Great update. Now clans have to think about putting ads out. Admins should be handling this, no problem. Question is how kaw admin deals with the different servers. This also opens the way for speakers for PC accounts.
  17. With all these new rules u guys r making as u go how r we actually supposed to be expected to remember them?
  18. Hey how about a search function so we can search for a clan doing a specific eb to make spam pointless? I mean really when is the last time you used the search function in the game currently? Or even kne that it existed....