Clan Ad Spam Rule

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kaw_admin, May 30, 2013.

  1. Hmm. How about fixing the clan events instead of punishing people for a crappy system? I've only hit a mod once, but if I get silenced because of this poo rule I'm going hunting. Half of the people that post ads never talk in Clan Chat, so how the hell are we supposed to know how many ads have been sent out?

    Fix the damn game so people don't have to spam WC.
  2. Why not just make a chat room just for ads...seems stupid to have it all mashed together. That way people still get the ads out and it won't conflict with the chuck Norris jokes in any way.
  3. Seems fair and reasonable.
  4. And Reeb if your admins are noobs and can't manage this simple rule find another clan.
  5. cool, now instead of people posting random ads and sometimes nit at all, a schedual will have to be made and actually end up putting more ads out, either that, ir fail eb's cause you cant get enough help in and masses get frustrated and quit
  6. In theory this is a good rule, but in reality it is half-ass and not very well thought out. Seriously, fix clan events so people can use speakers to advertise their clans/eb there.
  7. Please change to 1 per 5 minutes. Thanks. Why do I have to look at 5 if I am in wc? Looking at 1 EB ad is pushing the tolerance limit of many 
  8. How bout a spam ban on RP ads. This is a game not a sex dating site. Everyone complains about clan ads yet no one seems to ***** about the RP ads on WC.
  9. All the ppl whining about ads, every one of you has placed ads for clans. Little hypocritical. Although the ads do get carried away. Keep it real ppl
  10. Good rule!

    Admins should take a hold of the clan. When I EB at Lord Of The Rings (great B2B FoDs and people) I'm met with a wall post asking to post an ad. I'd imagine if most clans took this approach, this new rule will be easy to adapt too. I'm sure changing the wording to please do not post ads unless designated.

    Any people who don't listen will probably get kicked then farmed.
  11. @Bep

    Don't join a fail clan.


    Don't join a clan with fail admins. Simple lurk on WC will show if anyone posted, if not designated, ask them not to post, if they do, farm.


    Difference from tossing an ad and spamming over and over and over.
  12. I agree igrope, but you got ppl on here whining about ALL ads. If you don't like the ads.... Farm them. Simple as that. Stop whining and and farm or zip the lip
  13. Well ALL ads is kind of ridiculous. The clans that spam spam spam are what need to be addressed and I think this helps.
  14. not talking about me personally, but there is a majority out there that do struggle with finishing eb's
  15. This is a totally unfair rule back to accidental silences. Gonna spend my money elsewhere. Didn't like how the silences worked when I started now were back to the same spot before the warnings popped up. Gonna see a lot of clans hurt by this I hope it totally backfires.
  16. Please do consider that sometimes due to network lag,2 same posts are getting posted.
    So whenever mods silence anyone,they should consider that thing also.
  17. Why do people tear just to tear? Give a reason, give multiple! Give a solution, give multiple! Making empty threats to Devs who do not care about you and your money is redundant.

  18. @Civ

    You can tell, Devs can see if it was a double post. A simple email can get it reversed if some freak double post happens. But again, make admins only post ads or give direction on who's posting ads.
  19. Best solution I've seen proposed is a separate chat for ads

    How about a spot in forums, with a 5 min duration for your ad, none on WC, list would always be current, clans get help and ppl looking for EBs or wars can still find them

    But then all you'd get to farm in WC would be RP requests 