You were speaking about the whether or not ZAFT leaders allow her to post on forums.. so yes it is kinda about her just a little :lol:
I asked her the question,but she just dodged it,Guess fury isn't zaft,if not they would listen to the rules,unless they don't care about zafts rules.Your guess is as good as mine.
looks like this is his way of telling IMF to shut up because you are constantly changing your story and getting pwned by RussianSpy. But you guys are failing to see that we don't care why we are fighting because this is fun.. We don't really need a reason to fight in this game. The point of her bringing it up is poking fun at how your story makes no sense and keeps changing. imf try this out.. 1. stop making up stories 2. stop acting like a victim 3. call in some more clans 4. enjoy the game Renamed51611 statless alts 2015
Think fury is above the rules bc zaft is just tickled pink that they got one clan that isn't totally hopeless lol
It's was a jab at the failings of ZAFT leadership. I forgot some people need things drawn out with crayons.
Zaft is excited that they got a hopeless clan? that doesn't make any sense dork. try to make up a better insult.. oh wait you are from hog, the weakest clan in this war so you have no room to talk :lol:
it was a jab at Russianspy being an attention seeker by you saying it wasn't about her when the subject was clearly talking about whether or not she is allowed to post forums.
ok dork there is no posting rule.. you caught us.. that's why we kicked redstar because he couldn't shut up on forums
What I mean is. There is no point discussing this war anymore. It's all but a formality. Even if they strip a bunch of us. They will be destroyed. For anyone who said Fury isn't zaft. They say they were zaft so they can shop apoc freely in zaft apoc open market agreement. They change banner to Osw for the new age war for zaft and close shop to apoc due to our agreement. And zaft leaders and fury leaders both in my pm saying fury is zaft. Harb said " yes bro fury is zaft now" Fury say " wah wah U took in hog instead of us so now we join zaft Cuz u rejected Us" Fury is zaft. If they don't think so, we don't care. We decide for them.
Russian thinks she's cool because she can ass me down and then succeed 1 hit on me :lol: then stays pinned :roll:
Why is Fury's arrangement with ZAFT such a major issue for you guys? Fury has not denied ZAFT.. I see it on the clan page and in banners. Why does this continue to be a talking point? You say Fury is crying publicly but privately you pay Fury much respect.. Didn't you say ZAFT doesn't deserve a clan like Fury recently? I guess IMF isn't the only one talking out of both sides of his mouth here.. As far as Hog goes didn't you offer Hog to Fury 1v1 after the war if Fury CF'd and left ZAFT? They were gonna be your sacrificial lame? Do you guess just say whatever pops into your head when backed into a corner?