Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it."
IMF is right. Rosters the night Harb was stripped are VERY RELEVANT. That's when the osw started. The clans that left did so after the start of the OSW.
I'm confused a bit about the "list". Are you looking for the clans alliances and clans or just the clans without the allied clans?
That doesn't exactly make sense. Because then u can't include Fury - we were told by Zaft leadership to not get involved. We were still deciding when reports of incoming helped us to make a firm desision - we were attacked about 24hrs later. And then clam a and silver don't count cos they decided to jump in some time after..yet Fury and clan a/silver/magic sparks or whatever are all involved
Oh please stop with those big words lol How bout u? Ur hire hits? Ur unprovoked rudeness just because u can? Don't deny it, u've done it all. What do u deserve for being a hypocrite that u are on top of all above?
I deserve cake - chocolate with peanut butter icing - and those mini chocolate chips on top -- cause it's good. .
Sorry Russian, but Fury IS Zaft. You are listed on the clan pages as such so dont try to disconnect the two. Family is different from an Alliance. Did you honestly expect Apoc to let you sit there and collect funds? And drop the hypocrite talk already. I sold 150T in allies trading DAILY. When I strip someone they deserve it 110%. If I made hire-hitting A common practice I would be known as a hire-hitter. Im not, so I'll be expecting your apology.
No need take my words out of context, that's desperate. I'm not trying to disconnect anyone from anything, I'm just pointing out the flaws in ur suggestion, that makes no sense. U are commonly known as a hire hitter lol U trade when it's a good time for u to trade. I've dealt with u when I traded allies on another acct. Over a year ago. U even had that loud mouth walor or whatever her name was fail all over my nf lol As well as I had cella in my news. The one u had no beef with, remember? Lol Where's tower of time when u need him lol
@ Russian I WANTZ MA CAKE!! And maybe a scoop of French Vanilla (not normal vanilla, dammit - French vanilla)
Id like to see a list of combating clans pre /current....Just see the amount of zaft runners and whole clans that ran...yafi still on zaft clan page? is na still involved? They did strip a zaft leader however small its was its was still that...Na was cut out better to defend against a large onslaught,spy clan only at mp with two leaders that well lets be honest "dont sleep ever" while zaft had large accouts with everything to lose... With the amount of fire powers apocalypse has its pretty sad zaft isnt crushed like the roaches they are
Sorry Russian, you're dead wrong. Go back and read what I wrote again. If you don't like the truth im afraid i cant help you. Your agenda, constant scheming, and unheathy obsession to muddy Apoc and my good name have become clear as day. You're ten steps behind and you don't even reallze it. Time to take your tears elsewhere
Now u're being irrelevant. What does me being me have to do with u being a hypocrite? Sad? No idea what u're referring to. But after seeing how u continuously taking words out of context, lie and twist stories, I can only imagine..Not like I'm hiding or anything lol Wanna go back to 'we had no beef with Zaft ul so we didn't hit them until big accounts left but we hit Fury because they're guilty by association' thing again? That seemed more relevant than u trying to make it personal for the tenth time lol
I like to think we started hitting fury because of your stupid mouth right off the bat on whatever the first thread about this osw was
I don't think u're correct. Maybe u should have Vix proof read ur posts or even post for u again lol No one is complaining about u hitting us first, u did the right thing. We would've hit u anyways sooner or later. Starting with hog lol I only bring it up to point out how weak ur excuses are and how scared u guys were of Red/Cella and others who u didn't want to touch at all
"We would have hit you sooner or later" Checkmate. I don't think there's much else I need to say after that slip. It was nice chatting with you Russian