And of course you're going to ignore me, you got slapped silly all over kaw even before Og got involved - you hardly want reminded of that seeing as you're trying to act tough now
Russian, go back and read my post again...maybe not skim and rush through it this time. 5T completed just now. Next!
Oh please..I haven't been pinning my troops for a reason lol I'm asking clam a to send us some inc. We get plenty from apoc, but zero from clam a after they declared a war on us? What kind of joke is this clan a??
Russian, Clan A strips... they don't get off on playing whack-a-mole. Different strokes for different folks
Are u saying that rest of the apoc playing whack-a-mole? So let's see. They declare a war on Fury, don't hit at all, supposedly strip (Valk is the only one to be seen in Six's news when he was 'stripped'). And that's it from clan a for Fury so far. Except for this forum thread of course lol Or are u saying they helping apoc with other strips? Wasn't it suppose to be only Fury? Didn't u guys scream on every page that u didn't need help? Lol
Nope. No beef with Fury mentioned anywhere. Quote it if I'm wrong? Or just stop making up excuses already. I'm tired of discussing this topic, It's obvious u were simply scared.
Russian it would be pretty damn hard to hit furry when you lot are for the most part dtw in your war with apherium, an destroy hog omfg how much we pissed ourselves in cc at that one. Dum dum I don't know what illegal substances your smoking (but best lay off cause them drugs are bad mkay ) but even though I ain't long here I can tell you these guys fricking love osw like full on homo love it hell Tim's even selling off his midgets for more xstals just so he can strip an be hit (by the real zaft clans cause you lot suck and are as fake as the plada bag you carry)as much as possible,you guys will never destroy repeat NEVER DESTROY H.O.G an why because they truly are a family I have the privilege of getting the chance to join.
Dear god this woman is an idiot. Fury is a part of the zaft family are they not? Hell the only "reason" we "need" to hit you is that you, specifically you, continue to spew your stupidity onto forums. Do you not notice how the rest of fury has mostly kept off of forums aside from the known forumers in fury chubbster and Larry. And even they can control themselves. Only your stupid self continues to post as if you think you're contributing to your cause, when really, the only thing you are doing is showing all of kaw how stupid and pathetic you really are. Good day
I'm going to stop you right there. Lol shut up war running nOoblet. You jump sides so many times bud. Just shut up already
To think I actually had respect for fury,but if this loud mouth Russian is an example of the people fury has in there clan its such a shame,at least dirtylarry is a funny smartass,and doesn't try to prove a dumb point for days that no one will even care of even if it was true. Respect to all the Zafties that hit and don't just open there mouths on forums,let's make this osw last forever.
Eh, Russian c'mon I know you've got a brain in there somewhere. Did you honestly think that Apoc only hits lol. We were stripping long before Clan A had reason to step in. And we both know that zaft made offenses on several fronts across kaw. That is why many clans are calling them out and putting their foot down. At this point you're like that kid in the backseat who keeps asking "Are we there yet?" over and over expecting a different answer.
I'm DTW? U didn't even try Was sitting out with half bar which I unloaded on u tyvm u potless u. I usually don't get to regen my troops much because all those big scurrry kotfe attack builds like to skim hansels for easy targets. Which is ok. Otherwise I would've self pin right? But I even put the gold out sometimes Last inc from hog however is idra stls 0/2 about 10hrs ago lol Anyway. I'm a spy! My troops aren't a threat! So what if I'm DTW? If I'm not stealing a strip, I'm skimming steals from a full bar or pinning something. Full bar is the key phrase btw lol And that's what's funny considering the ur overwhelming numbers lol We aren't quite targeting hog yet btw. U not in our ca. So whatever u see in ur news is just left overs, because we can't not bug u at all lol we aren't in a hurry. U're not going anywhere this time
Blazey weren't u in Black Hand during OG/Apoc/RCA vs Zaft/WDGAF war? Weren't you part of the group in Black Hand that abused the build dropping exploit? Then devs tore down your builds and allies and left you with barely anything? Then quit shortly after that? But you claim that you took a short break because you were disappointed in your alliance clans leadership. What does HoG have to do with you if you weren't even in HoG? Can you get off forums and let chubby and Larry to the talking. You make yourself look like a fool and quite honestly remind me of Roni.
What I know doesn't matter here. What matters is what can I make u publicly admit, or prove U started this show as victims of Zaft meanies, turned heroes who's taking out kaw's most feared clan. Warriors who's trying to save all the kawmunity from those horrible hire hitters. But after a closer look..Now we know u hire hit ur selves. Ur leaders are so brave because they got numbers behind them. We know that all the 'why we fight' excuses were bs. As well as ur 'no beef with red/cella' excuse is just another bs. Because u can't answer a simple question and keep running around in circles. And now we're back to square one - Why make up excuses for war in a war game? Care too much about public support? That's desperate to say the least. Anyway, I'm pretty bored with ur mumbling. Where's ashes and DUNA when u need them?
Russian believe what you want. Myself and Apoc both know you guys have been full of it since day one. It's you who spun yourself into a web of embarrassment. I'd wish ya the best but we both already know this wont turn out well for the crowd you hang with
Mmm I like assumptions. Those are fun. Let's see. I was indeed one of those who abused the glitch (not exploit). Many did at that time. This is the account that Devs destroyed beyond what it was prior to the glitch. I didn't quit after that tho. I had other accounts and rebuilt this one. I bet ud abuse it too if u knew lol oh well, what's done is done. I wasn't in hog but I was in the alliance groups with them and saw all the back stubbing unfold in front of my eyes. By the time cf took place I was so disgusted with all i saw that I parked my main in Fury and took an 8 months (I think) break. Actually I thought I was done with Kaw for good but Fury made me return. Plus some of my long time friends from old bh days joined here too. So ur point is? How's that relevant to current osw? U guys try to make it personal too much. Idc lol the only thing that's personal is what we have against hog other than that, it's just a game
Heyya haters. 1.) we knew red and cella Weren't gonna war. So why hit them 2.) Quit crying because we have a large family 3.) who the hell is Russian spy and why she talk so much? Also all the crap U talk ain't gonna save U guys. Or make people think ur not getting obliterated. Not one statless alt is talking from apoc. All are from zaft camp. Cuz they are afraid to put targets on their backs. Fear driven is best description of zaft right now. Fear driven and making fools of them selves. Fury is guilty by association. What a way to tie a great Osw clan to a dumpster fire. Legacy, ruined. Just another zaft meat shield clan. #wishuwaskotfelikeme
Oh the irony in this sentence, maybe it's time to proof read before you post. And I did know about the glitch, I knew there was going to be a punishment for using it. And yes you guys used it as an exploit that's why I chose that word. Only an idiot would think there would be no penalty for being able to HLBC in little 2 hours. But anywho, back to trying to find an open in fury.