Our issue was with certain members farming and hire-hitting Apoc and a zaft leadership that failed to stop it time and time again. We've had zero issue with UL who was one of the few clans in that family who hadn't done anything to us - so we had no beef with them. Both leaders and members felt it best not to whack as other influential members in UL were on break and to make a decision on osw entry. They decided to part ways with a reckless zaft and play kaw drama free. There's really nothing else to say about that. Back to the war shall we?
Yet in the ss Apoc shows for their reasons for war on the thread by weezus titled "Why we Fight' and on the thread by Phil it had UL leader in your very own ss hire whacking Apoc. But you had no issue with UL? . No IMF you were always a coward and will always be a coward and feared the only 2 people that can hire whack and steal you til the cow comes home. But let's not forget that you also hire whacked ZAFTIES. You are a coward.
Sorry Harb, you know why and the resolution. Your guy instigated an act of war on that one. Coward? I don't recall running last osw. Sounds like you're still upset I refused to cave and join zaft way back when. Sorry bro, never been a sheep. Shouldn't you be getting back to your "thank you so much for stripping my account" life?
I won't debate with a coward. And this is my last comment. The fact is UL leader at the time was in your very own ss you used to justify the war, but UL was not touched. You breath and smell of fear of Red and Cella. But this is your MO, you fear any account bigger than yours. You are a coward and that is common knowledge. Now you running around announcing pinning accounts 10% or less your size in wc and forums, which really makes you pathetic. Enjoy the rest of your day coward.
Ok so coming from ur logic only certain players or even the clans they were in were supposed to be hit? How about Fury? Did u have an issue with Fury? We didn't hit u guys first, Zaft decided we wait until we get inc. Didn't have to wait longbut seriously, did u have an issue with any Fury member? I can't remember seeing any ss even mentioning us. Again, it sounds like u're desperately looking for excuses. In this case excuses for u not to hit Zaft UL and players u're obviously terrified of
Harb, how many times are you gonna say this is your last post Of course you don't want to attempt a debate... because you have NO case.
You guys are all silly. Apoc let Zaft hire hit them for 1 year. Did nothing of it. Zaft decides to jump NA, within 3 weeks harb(who made the threats against NA) is naked. If anyone believes this war is over hire hits you are silly. Apoc let all of zaft hire hit them for well over a year. Twicc and I decided to use our pull in apoc and strip Harb for declaring he would watch NA burn and in no time look at what we caused
Ummm I dunno Mickey, I'm told by a very reliable apoc info source that this war has been planned for a long time even before Zaft jumped NA
So u ignoring my question..does this mean u're admitting to not have a case to argue the post quoted below?? [/quote]
Im sure this whole, who really started the new and equally boring zaft vs apoc (vs whoever the hell else wants to get involved) war was debated on another thread so why keep clogging up forums with ure lil tap tap fight. Get On with it and stop boasting about it. All i see is a bunch of people who clearly have nothing better to do in RL. So they come on a 9-12+ game and try and act like gods haha its honestly sad!! Get a grip before life passes you by.
Myself, along with many Apoc reps, have already answered your questions in previous posts. If that's not good enough for you I don't what to tell ya. Your gotcha attempts are weak at best and i'm not gonna play that game with you Russian. Back to stripping dafties