my point was that jupiter's motion was known well before the heliocentric view of the solar system was accepted as fact. jupiter's motion does not prove that the universe doesn't revolve around the earth. the phases of venus do. it was the nail that galileo placed in the coffin of the ptolemaic view of the solar system and proved copernicus correct. btw you don't need a particularly good telescope to see the phases of venus. galileo did it with this the movement of mars through the night sky is also a better example than jupiter. it was a piece of the puzzle that didn't fit, which caused people to question the geocentric view. either way could have been told with a narrative.
You mustn't have got my David Brent nod, we're coming at it from different angles. I never said you were incorrect. But you can tell from Jupiter's motion that it is orbiting the sun. At the time of galileo, as you correctly stated, we didn't know how to explain retrograde motion. We do now. Although galileo's telescope is 400 years old, you still need to know what your doing to spot the phases of venus. But you are correct, this is how he proved it.
At best that cleric is ignorant. At worst he's manipulating susceptible minds to serve his purpose. The next thing to happen is his listeners will be worked up to destroy ancient historical artifacts. Oh that sorta stuff is already happening.
sorry. i don't always pay as much attention as i should. looking back, i do see your meaning a bit clearer.
No worries. Tbh with you, I was really just using the thread as a platform for people who may not be into astronomy as much to go out and try to find jupiter. It may encourage them to take more of an interest
I understand this guy's logic. The cup = Earth because it's mainly filled with water. He might be onto something here folks
There are creationist groups that further believe the earth does not rotate on its axis. I am glad this is not the mainstream. But when beliefs are involved instead of examination, hypothesis, and testing, people can go to great lengths to promote completely unsupportable dreams as science.
Ok I'm going to be honest here. After the discussion last week of over population and needing to reduce the worlds population by 90% I say the best way is that we introduce IQ tests en masse along with high school equivalent exams. Anyone that gets below 120 and at least 3 A's is automatically for the chop. Some people are just too stupid to live.
You must be new to forums. Constructive criticism doesn't exist here. Posting a thread that you want people debate on is like putting a fat chick in a bikini and asking people what the think. All of the internet badasses will come out and troll immediately.
I read a really interesting story in the American Scientist the other day which was suggesting that the IQ test score has been, on average, rising around the world since the test itself was invented, with the biggest gains in China and India. One theory I saw involved education geared towards such achievement tests, nutrition, and an increasingly modern and technical environment. Although its hard to believe that people are, in general, getting smarter :lol:
I'm going to put it out there but we all bang on saying how can this Muslim cleric be saying this when the evidence is out there and he's preaching this to young vulnerable minds but a lot of our churches still won't recognise evolution and still preach that God made the world and people in it to our kids and for some schools to still not teach evolution to kids as it goes against the bible this is wrong imo it's easy to point the finger and say how backward he is but truth be told it's still happening in our back yards let's fix this before we point the finger at anyone else.