There is something seriously wrong in the land where this Sheikh is from. Either the heat has gotten to him, sun strokes are serious, or there could be the issue with desert mirages everywhere so you can't see straight nor think straight. Maybe it's the fumes he has been smoking from all the oil wells. So the Earth is still and the Sun is revolving around the Earth. And then the other planets are doing what? Oh wait, there are no other planets I guess. Or the Sun is also revolving around the other planets. So I guess the Sun is doing some sort of a hula loop sundance twisting and turning between these other planets to ensure that it doesn't crash into one while revolving around the Earth. Oh wait! Never mind I forgot what is going on. I'd hate to be in a school being taught by this Milk Sheikh.
There are many theories behind it and basically different peeps have there different theories. I would say beleive those scientist who had derived scientific formulas on this topic. Respect for this man who had given his own analogy but i would take it as true if he has proves.
This guy is going to take a lot of flack from our little community for being uneducated, idiotic, ect. That is unfortunate, however, as the clergyman is actually demonstrating some amount of reasoning and analitic thought. What he lacks is a foundation in principles of science, but thus makes him no more stupid than Aristotle who confirmed geocentric theory. Additionally, if you can't explain why the Muslim clergyman is wrong, perhaps a more humble disposition to the religious leader should be had. All objects within the earths atmosphere, and for some distance outside (the moon) are gravitationally bound to the planet. You are then dragged along with the earth as it rotates and so will have the appearance of remaining stationary.
why is there so much anti-science in the forums today? is it international ignorance day? stick a metal rod in a clear container of water. place a drop of dye in the water. spin the rod. without touching the dye, the dye will being to spread around in the direction you spin the rod. same way the earth's atmosphere moves with the earth. its simple friction.
not the best pic, but you can see the trail of dye circling the rod that i was only spinning for a short time. i never directly touched the dye with the rod. purely friction pulling the water along. just as the atmosphere; which the plane flies through, is dragged along with the earth as it spins. this isn't a result of gravity, its a result of friction. (although the atmosphere wouldn't be there if not for gravity)
Then why is it that a fly can fly around inside a moving car? By his logic the fly would've splattered all over the back window if this was the case.
Ignorance is bliss. Or so the saying goes. Many people must enjoy very blissful lives. If only we all could live in such bliss, and have no need for physics or cures. Damascus the fact that people are preaching from such a naive outlook on life is the tragedy. The person may or may not be the kindest soul on earth. Yet ignorance is still that. Teaching ignorant beliefs serves no one. Be those scientific or moral beliefs.
@chaos. Everyone believes in something they are ignorant of. I imagine you and I both have an opinion that is wrong somewhere.
I'm telling ya the earth is flat. The curvature of the horizon is a optical illusion. Flat Earth is stationary. And it is in the center of the universe. Science be damned I know it's true.
Quite an interesting debate. During Europe's dark medieval ages, the Middle East knew an extremely prolific scientific aera, also called the Islamic Golden Age. Enormous progress in all kind of sciences were done during that period of time (I once visited a very fascinating exhibition about it in the National Science Museum in London). Islamic astronomers refined and corrected the Ptolemaic model that was accepted as the standard model, a geocentric model placing the earth at the center of the universe. Despite some scientists doubting about it, and some mathematical models very similar to Copernicus' one being laid out, islamic astronomers never made the paradigm shift to a heliocentric system. Well, don't forget that in Europe the first controversial heliocentric theory by Galileo wasn't too well accepted by the Roman Catholic Church either, a bit later than the Islamic Golden Age. Due to progress in science it later on however became the commonly accepted model. I don't blame that good man for clutching to the geocentric system, especially as he seems to lack the basic scientific knowledge to even prove his beliefs. His allegory with the plane traveling around is pretty funny and naive. First of all, a plane doesn't care at all how fast the earth is moving at all, it only cares how fast it moves in its own medium, the atmosphere. A plane's speed is measured against the air it moves through. It could strictly hover over the earth as long as the surrounding air moves fast enough to support its air drag. Just have a look at birds in flight. It's all a question of right referential and the forces exercised in that referential. And yes, the atmosphere in its lower layers moves along the earth's own motion due to friction and gravity. If the plane to China stops still on air... it crashes. Doh... I wonder how that cleric would explain the Foucault pendulum, a pretty simple device demonstrating the rotation of the Earth.
You time actually moves differently when you are going faster (relativity in physics)... Not very much but still you could gain a little time
That was a great post Kassio. If I could give you a thumbs up i would give you 35 of them. You win the thread IMO.
If a christian priest will be asked to explain how humans are not coming from apes but was made by God when he was playing in mud something is telling me he wouldn't look brighter than this guy.
Good enough? Are you losers happy you put out a bunch of crappy political threads today? You all looked pretty stupid. Enjoy.
Debate? Bahahaha omg what kinda moron would entertain this. Im gonna take note of all the chumps "discussing/debating" in favor of this nonsense and 1.- will never take them seriously.2.- ridicule them everytime i can. Jeeeeeez oh Lord the stupidity knows no bounds . :lol: