Citation #SaveGroos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TheRealDMC, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. #SaveGroos part II?
  2. #FireShotsDaily
  3. Groos don't need saving. The man drinks like a fish n is hung like a horse. Not to mention his tree climbing skills
  4. #SaveGroos2k15
  5. This is why we also gave him an award. For proper recognition of someone playing KaW to the highest possible standard.
  7. #SaveGroos

    Bumped ONLY for people constantly asking me silly questions like


    "Who is Groos?"
    -Well... Groos is Groos

    "Why does Groos needs saving."
    -Groos needs people to be around, we have been kind enough to offer Groos conversation and he has been well receiving of it. We feel Groos deserves happiness and laughs too.

    "Why don't you just let this go away?"
    -Because #SaveGroos

    Or accusations like

    "You're annoying, shut up already."
    These people typically are the type of people who also need saving, but they're not Groos and usually are not proven quantities to be worth saving yet. So maybe if you (hint) prove you're worth saving I will help get your movement going.

    Also I would like to THANK ZAFT for seeing things our way. Due to our #SaveGroos movement some of the former members of ZAFT Destiny have returned home to help fill Groos CC and let him speak with other people instead of just him and his awesome alts.

    Keep being yourself Groos. #SaveGroos
  8. Who is Groos lol
  9. Groos is Groos. :D
  10. It worked!
    Groos has been saved!
  11. ZAFT Carnage. Heard our call! Groos! Do well buddy!

  12. Groos is Groos therefore only one explanation is possible... spragga, with his final breath gave all his powers to the strongest player in kaw that player is Groos

    Groos is spragga!!!

    Watch out before he destroys your castle
  13. Groos isn't spragga. Groos is a great fighter and also has a good sense of humor.

    Spragga was rage incarnate. His wrath was so mighty he ended the world. Then he had nothing else to kill so he went back in time and fought himself. Doing this is the only reason we are here today. Because Spraggas final victim was himself... twice.

  14. Groos is spragga, accept itttttt
  15. Thank you to all that participated in the #savegroos movement...remember, you were there
  16. New hashtag.

  17. #savegroos keep fighting bud