Citation #SaveGroos

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TheRealDMC, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. Just to reiterate this is not a zaft bashing or disrespect to Groos thread. We actually admire the player behind the account and feel that he deserves an active zaft family clan. Players like him that continually takes a beating and keeps on ticking is what this game was spawned from. Groos deserves to hit red apheriun, with his flowing mullet, like other members in his family. So please #savegroos and maybe...just maybe this man will be adopted into an active zaft clan....thank you and #savegroos
  2. Lord Whacker of Tallyton Erik is correct. I was trying to convey such but as I am me Lord Lollygags of the Lollygaggle, The Real DMC, I tend to want humor in everything. Otherwise the dilly dallying just isn't worth it.
  4. Support

    # Save Groos
  5. Oh the Groos
    Has received much news
    Return he does
    With much love
    As he sends his pew pews

    To be alone
    No members at home
    Who is to watch
    As his allies go splotch
    Warrior all on his own.

    -Dr. Soze
    Excerpt from "Scat in Yer Hat"
  6. Groos, the brave, lone, zaft destiny member that opts in to events. Groos, you have my respect
  7. #SaveGroos #Support #gangstarapporved
  8. I for one actually enjoy seeing osw and being in it so I will support this message. #Savegroos
  9. Lmao nice poetry there #GroosTheFamousZAFTY#SaveHim
  10. #groosforcharityworldwide
  11. #SaveGroos
  12. #SaveGross
  13. Uhm #SaveGroos
  14. #FindGroosAHome
  15. #FreeToGoodHome
  16. No support until you learn