If you are good at art a handmade card might be enough by itself. Shows you care but doesnt cost much
I got a huge stuffed fox, as I am obsessed with foxes. But giant teddy bears don't even cost 150 but this is a good idea
Something subtle and not too pushy. Too much and she thinks your desperate and pushy. Too little and she thinks you don't like her.
If you're talented in art, perhaps sketch something. If not, posters in the dormitory were always the rage, so a cool poster
From a guy who started dating his current girlfriend the week before valentine's day last year, this is definitely the best option. You don't want to be the one who gets her a big gift when she wasn't expecting that. It makes her feel bad
Cheapest "giant" teddy bear I've ever seen was $60. A child sized one would def be upwards of "a small loan of a million dollars" (okay, maybe 100-300 depending on the size)
I'm in same situation - I went on date with this girl 2 times - I'll see her again this weekend Should I get her something - we aren't official...still in the getting to know u phase
The D.. Always go with the D.. It's cheap, it's a gift that keeps on giving, and you don't even have to spend a dime.. Besides everyone gets what they want.. A regular Christmas miracle and don't forget to wrap it up
THEY MAKE A SELFIE TOASTER?it Sears your picture into each slice of toast. Perfect gift. Google it and you will see. Freaking awesome gift !