Thanks to the invasion of Ireland. England invaded more countries than anyone. Ireland Scotland Wales India Pakistan Bangladesh Singapore large parts of Africa etc. Horrible history and he proves by boasting about them burning down the white house. England a nation with a terrorist history
Of Course I play COD 1) is that all you can say 2) at least I can spell learnt isn't a word it's learned. You show how smart you are
I heard about the canadian militia and British Empire defeating america in 1812 and burning down the White House.[/quote] Ghastly
learn ləːn/ verb past tense: learnt; past participle: learnt 1. gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
Yes, england has a terribly long and bloody history. However maybe you should look at the commonwealth countries and ask yourself if they would of been better without british influence?
Not his fault. He wouldn't have learnt that from call of duty.[/quote] Of Course I play COD 1) is that all you can say 2) at least I can spell learnt isn't a word it's learned. You show how smart you are[/quote] I'm French but if you'd like to have a grammar war in MY mother tongue then maybe we can
Sorry OP, but yeah. I don't agree with what you're saying Silver, but it is slowly becoming Painfully obvious that OP is most likely not in the Armed Forces, or even a Veteran. This from somebody who underwent Marine Basic Training and knows a soldier when he sees one (or listens to them on a forum).
Also thetruth7, the majority of countries have past they wouldn't be proud of. But let me ask you this, if britain had never ventured out in it's pirate like fashion (1600-1700's) what would the world be like today?
The Republic of Ireland was given its independence like many former colonies of the British empire because they wanted it. The majority of Northern Irish people wish to remain British so that's the way it is.
Thanks to the invasion of Ireland. England invaded more countries than anyone. Ireland Scotland Wales India Pakistan Bangladesh Singapore large parts of Africa etc. Horrible history and he proves by boasting about them burning down the white house. England a nation with a terrorist history[/quote] Yes, england has a terribly long and bloody history. However maybe you should look at the commonwealth countries and ask yourself if they would of been better without british influence?[/quote] Perhaps you'd like to ask the aboriginals of Australia? Or the indigenous population of any country conquered . Every empire destroys and steals the riches of their conquests. Harsh treatment of locals and often the death of their culture so yes I do believe they would better without English influence. Look at Africa today is a total mess from colonial times I'd doubt they'd be any worse off with previous invasion
Noooo lol, the comment I made was so I deleted it. Btw I haven't found any info on foreign snipers training at your sniper school, where is it again?
The Republic of Ireland was given its independence like many former colonies of the British empire because they wanted it. The majority of Northern Irish people wish to remain British so that's the way it is.[/quote] But the majority of Ireland wanted independence and it was divided in two countries to suit england remaining in power somewhat on the island. With almost half in NI identifying as irish it isnt fair on them. Any way England wants rid of NI now it's useless to them and costs too much money to run
It wasn't rude. It was a typical American pompous comment. Why do you think that the u.s has the best snipers?? And how about that grammar war in French ?
Yes, england has a terribly long and bloody history. However maybe you should look at the commonwealth countries and ask yourself if they would of been better without british influence?[/quote] Perhaps you'd like to ask the aboriginals of Australia? Or the indigenous population of any country conquered . Every empire destroys and steals the riches of their conquests. Harsh treatment of locals and often the death of their culture so yes I do believe they would better without English influence. Look at Africa today is a total mess from colonial times I'd doubt they'd be any worse off with previous invasion[/quote] Britain modernised the countries they conquered, built infrastructures and industrialised them. much better than being part of the French of spanish empires