We didn't let murderers go to get them back, did we. We didn't trade Taliban soldiers for one slime bag. Oh, wait.
Beau Bergdahl deserted his post, got "captured" by the Taliban, several people died looking for him, and immediately after, key places that the Taliban had no idea about up to that point, were hit. Although they claim he was tortured, that's quite obviously a load of BS. He was a traitor, a deserter, and considering the American lives lost because of him, a Murderer. No loyalty to Country. But please, we live in an enlightened age where these things are acceptable, right?[/quote] Acceptable definitely not. Enlightened age, yes. Let's not imitate primitive and idiotic laws like the sharia law. His offended carry minimum and maximum penalties. If found guilty he will probably get the maximum which is life in prison... There's a reason why laws exist...
Acceptable definitely not. Enlightened age, yes. Let's not imitate primitive and idiotic laws like the sharia law. His offended carry minimum and maximum penalties. If found guilty he will probably get the maximum which is life in prison... There's a reason why laws exist...[/quote] Like I stated what is the point of wasting taxpayers money. Electricity is cheaper or hey wait a minute a bullet is cheaper. He can die like zeth stated about the soldiers died looking for him.
Exactly how can u say we shouldn't of been over there. Does your country have a military? I think I'm going to have to google that one.
Every country has a military you dumbass. Can't believe you thought Canada didn't have one and you were in the military yourself
I supported American invading Afghanistan. However Iraq was an illegal war and a breach of international law and the premises for going to war was found to be a manufactured lie. Iraq has been a disaster since with no stability. Fast forward to last year and America and Britain wanted to bomb assad out of power and arm the "rebels" the rebels largely turned out to be ISIS you guys didn't know who u were wanting to help but that didn't matter. The British parliament voted against bombing assad but their leader wanted to. However you guys still armed the "rebels" ignoring the advise of every single international charity in Syria that the worse thing to do during a conflict is to add more arms to it. Those rebels by large turned out to be ISIS and other terrorist organisations. Also in Libya you guys overthrew gaddafi with your bombing campaign less by the us French and British. Now Libya is a total mess with no governance of power the airport in tripoli is an ongoing warzone with different regions of the country owned by various different militia and now ISIS has taken over largeParts. The county is a mess and thousands of refugees are fleeing north across the Mediterranean in to Europe. Many dying on their journey and Europe can't cope. Why. Americans invasion of Iraq led to the current crisis. The vacuum left in Iraq and Libya after the ousting of gaddafi and saddam allowed groups like ISIS to flourish. They wouldn't have stood a chance otherwise. Now large parts of Iraq Syria and Libya are over run by ISIS. None of which wouldn't have happened if American and Britain didn't illegally invade Iraq all those years ago. They are to blame for creating the circumstances which led to this disaster. isis are the scum of the earth and there is no worse but the invasion of Illegal invasion of Iraq has them were they are today. It doesn't matter what a country does or is, if their government does what America says. For instance Iran is a lot more advanced in Western terms compared with Saudi Arabia but you only ever hear them criticising Iran. At least women are allowed to drive in Iran. Saudi Arabia is the most backward dump going but they lick us ass so It's all good. Iran has troops in Iraq currently fighting ISIS but you won't be told that in the US. Apparently Saudi Arabia funded isis in the beginning. Iran and Saudi are regional rivals sunni and shiites with isis being the same denomination as the Saudi. Just like catholics and Protestants within Christianity but isis kill other Muslims who are different to them so they inflict terror on everyone.But America is no angel either and bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes. In conclusionIllegal invasions and constant interfering and meddling in other countries affairs only helps these terrorist organisations to recruit. So does leaving those countries in a total mess after youve ousted who you don't like. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Those who win the war write history. If a foreign force was in the US dictating telling them what to do you guys wouldn't like it. In conclusion isis are scum. US are no angels and far from fair and above international law in their own mind. And their illegal wars have are to blame for the isis crisis and the complete destabilisation of the middle east. Bush and Blair should be tried for War Crimes. Way to go America
@-v- the history on the Ireland army seemed pretty interesting. I guarantee their sniper train at the U.S. Army sniper school.
Ireland and Northern Ireland not the same country same island just not the same country. Aside from that op nice idea behind the thread
Decent point I know bush isn't totally correct who knows what the truth is. I really don't care who is right or wrong my point was that I support war on terrorism. I graduated high school in 2003 so I don't know much about the war in Iraq I heard many things but when it comes to terrorists I will fight them to keep my country safe and other countries. Like I said terrorist has no hearts so yea they kill women and children. Some of these people think Isis and the other terrorist organizations are not terrorists at all it sounds like to me is that they support those groups.
I hear about them often but I'm Canadian. Americans wouldn't because why would you hear about anything that's not American?
I heard about the canadian militia and British Empire defeating america in 1812 and burning down the White House.