Christmas Cards to an injured American Soldier

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NS_King_of_the_Warriors_NS, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Oh yea I forgot about them ugh what's the actual name I can't remember right now
  2. Full support. Our veterans deserve more attention and support from civilians and the government. Obama should take care of them better. I will probably be sending things to my local veterans center
  3. ^on the eastern front. The western front, the Germans were mowing down the allied forces, until the United States showed up.
  4. Ever heard of Admiral Rickover?

    He was asked how long an aircraft carrier would survive if Russia really wanted it gone.
    A: 1 day at sea n maybe 3 in port.

  6. Yea I think so no one can take over the United States of America.
  7. The western front was a stalemate, the Battle of Britain was won and the Nazis had no hopes of crossing the channel. Either way the outcome would of been an allied victory
  8. is there something wrong with you? no where did i state that i support terrorists. NO WHERE.

    not just the US retaliated, not just the US was affected by what happened on 9/11. it may have been on US soil, but 12% of the deaths (not including dual nationalities) were not american.

    yes, the usa steps up. your government wanted the job after all, if it didnt, well its kind of tough, when you stripped the british empire of most of its overseas assetts and forced it into a 60 year multitrillion $ debt, you took that roll on for yourselves, your allies assist you but yes you are the major force for 'good' in the world (militarily speaking) enjoy it whilst we look after the weak, the sick, the old and the poor in our society.

    to address the posts since i started writing.. lol

    military power speaking, the usa is in the lead.

    as for training, soldier for soldier i would either pick british or isreali

    nazi germany started too late on the eastern front, there is no way they could of won that war (without the a-bomb), they couldnt hope to defeat russia, and they couldnt invade britain, (although starving us could possibly have been a viable option)
  9. The RAF ruled the skies n Russia held n was takin it to Germany. The US did help liberating N. Africa n Europe n definitely was a difference n took the glory as well.
    Montgomery n Patton both were glory seekers taking credit many times when unwarranted.
  10. Pretty Much Everybody agrees that Israel has the best training.
  11. And the only factor of that is how trained the soldiers are? Nothing to do with numbers, country size, country geography, nukes, technology, allies? Nobody can take over russia either so who would be best trained by that logic?
  12. That's pretty cynical. Nice outlook on life
  13. To understand any history better is to read many accounts of it. Educators do not do it n its up to the individual.
  14. It was the way you worded what you said. You do make some good points.
  15. You're all noobs playing a tap tap game. What do you all know about military strategies and training. Keep playing call of duty
  16. CoD is God
  17. Go away numnutz. Ur no expert
  18. Not talking strategy and training am I? Nice try tho 
  19. I'm sure zeth didn't mean everyone because I know there are non military support the troops. You gotta admit there is a lot people sit on their butts and do say that
  20. I agree