Christmas Cards to an injured American Soldier

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NS_King_of_the_Warriors_NS, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Walter reed is located bethesda, this is the old address. Closed 4 yrs ago lol
  2. So anyone who send cards to that location will have them returned. Most people who are military or were in the military during oif oef times are aware of this. Please fact check so people can send to the lroper location if going to make a thread on the matter. Thank you
  3. 8901 wisconsin ave, bethesda MD is the lproper location
  4. I got it from a friend I thought he was correct I guess not thank you for correcting it are you sure I was gonna try to get a hold of Walter Reed myself
  5. Yes in sure cause i was there before it closed as a patient. And btw, alot of what you say makes for a negative look on us real soldiers. Tone down the crap a d just stick with the indended purpose of this thread. Alot of what you say, including being incorrect on the address and claiming to be a wounded vet, makes it reek of wannabe. If thats not the case and you are in fact what you claim to be, just know that the way your acting has some of us scratching our heads
  6. Well think what u want I made a mistake on the address my fault I been out since 2009 I was at Walter Reed in 2006. How would u like me to prove it. I ment what I said earlier also I ment the caps.
  7. Not to defend op, but former veterans and current service personnel I know often confuse me by using the two terms to describe the same thing.
  8. If political correctness is needed
    Where do I send my Xmas card to isis

    I believe they executed all post office personal. Maybe I should invite them all to a nice pork Sunday roast maybe we could sort differences out
  9. Joking apart all collation troops need to be remembered

    Thx very much guys
  10. OPSEC deals with operations PERSEC deals with personal information. If u don't use PERSEC u are violating TOU am I correct. Some family members of military don't think about OPSEC and I don't want a service member to die because someone slipped up. Now are u understanding even though ur not supposed to tell family members any operations ur doing.
  11. That's the gray line right there.
    No proof, no Christmas cards.
  12. The only thing I've got is an address that's supposed to point to a center for injured American soldiers.

    No telephone number, no name of whoever's in charge.

    It seems like you've been out of contact with them for a long time and yet you use OPSEC/PERSEC to protect your personal information which is NOT what I'm asking for. That would violate ATA's ToU for the use of these forums.
  13. I'll get a hold of Walter Reed myself and I'll post a new thread and delete this one with all the correct info
  14. I looked up the address. It's a subway. Maybe iMaps screwed me over again?
  15. LOL. Use Google Maps... Way better than the undeletable Apple maps that Apple has on all of its phones
  16. Appleaps waspulled after a major flaw in the map program called stupidity. Its run gmaps for over a year
  17. Damn, I haven't upgraded yet. Still using a perfectly serviceable smartphone that has lasted the past 2 years and will serve me into the future... So long as I get a goddamn case to keep it from cracking further
  18. I have an iphone 6, but I don't KaW on it. It's mainly for work. I play KaW on my IPhone 4s 
  19. Ok I called Walter Reed medical center they said I have to call the American Red Cross at Walter Reed will get the info tomorrow cause they are closed. I am sorry again about the wrong address it was not my intentions. I'll have the address with a point of contact.