Little technical point amongst the half formed rants. Concentration camp is a charge all phrase used to cover some very different things. The USA had internment camps for native Americans in the 1800's similar arrangements on both sides of the civil war and finally the Japanese internment camps during ww2. They weren't in any way pleasant places to be but the overall intention wasn't one of extermination of the populace within. The camps the British used during the boar war were used to house the families of boar fighters who were fighting with the empire over land and rights. Again these camps were not designed to kill the inhabitants. Yes people did die there some 27k people but that was due to stupidity and bad management rather than deliberate extermination. It was a terrible act in the middle of a war going badly for the British. One which should never have happened and one which won't be allowed to happen again. The camps the third Reich used were set up to get the maximum effort out of the poor souls sent to them with no cares paid to the likely hood of them living. Indeed those camps grew into the death camps where so much horror occurred. Concentration camps are still used today and in recent years in places like the Balkans during the wars there, some could argue the Australian camps for refugees are similar to internment camps.
I never said that there weren't former colonies that aren't third world countries, many more would be third world countries if they weren't colonies because they wouldn't of got invested in the same way.
U r real smart a Christmas card$1.00 a stamp $.35 whatever stamps cost. Yea a scam hmmmm a smart chick huh
I haven't back tracked anywhere, to back track I would first have to state something to back track on. And I never said all former colonies aren't third world countries, I stated they are better off which they are
Your arrogance knows no bounds. Please explain how a current day third world country is better off because a foreign power stole all of its indigenous wealth and sent it to london
Although the empire took materials from colonies and sent it to the British Isles, they also invested heavily into infrastructure, institutions, created trade routes for these colonies and established local governments that would become the bases for Democracy in these countries.
Because op asked what country I was from and then this fool decided to go on and on about the empire.
There's nothing democratic about invading a country and stealing from them and telling that what to do
Truth maybe spend a little time and look at the origins of the British Empire and how it came into being. Almost no where did the British invade a native country mostly they took lands off other colonial powers the Dutch the French or the Spanish. In India the EIC didn't take over by force of arms it normally supported the local leadership look at the numbers involved the British had a tiny number of people in running India it relied on locals co-opted helping to run the nation. As you kept bringing up the boar war you know that one of the leaders of the war later served in the imperial war cabinet ? He was the man who had almost killed churchill during that war then served as his ally, friend and one of his most trusted advisors during WW2.
The Sun never set on the British Empire and "they never invaded a native country " Congratulations on the most imbecilic comment on this thread. God you're not worth another second of anyone's time
I think you've taken the prize for that. I guarantee, whatever country you're in, there has been a long and bloody history, and every comment you make is HIGHLY hypocritical.
Another British apologist rears his ugly head. None quite as murderous or as bloody as theirs. Farewell bigots who can't accept facts. Educate yourself without bias. Kiss kiss bae have a nice life xx