You've proved your point. I doubt he's Military, and I should know. Strikes me as a CoD: AW, given his Kevin Spacey foreign policy.
But the majority of Ireland wanted independence and it was divided in two countries to suit england remaining in power somewhat on the island. With almost half in NI identifying as irish it isnt fair on them. Any way England wants rid of NI now it's useless to them and costs too much money to run[/quote] It was split in two because granting independence to it all would of led to a civil war that would of lasted decades, and it may cost money to run but if you knew about how Britain handles colonies you would know it's based on what the population of that country wants. If they want to be British that's how it remains. Anyway getting rid of Northern Ireland means there is no UK at all.
Lol v don't be so naive . The French British and Spanish empires were all horrible to their conquests . You're proud of an empire that raped murdered and stole enmas. Get some perspective please
Other countries snipers do train at our sniper school. Also I'm not sayin we have the best snipers some might be tied with us
If that's what you told to believe v. Getting rid of NI does not mean the end of the united kingdom. They still have wales scotlabd and England. NI is only a handicap to the UK money wise so it wouldn't be missed
Name one country that doesn't have dark patches in their history, yes the British empire murdered and done bad things. but they also done many great things, and when the Nazis started taking over Europe they sacrificed an empire they spent hundreds of years building to save the world. Good and bad things about every country
Sure... More war in Africa, more war in Northern America, no United States of America, weak India, unpopulated Australia, need I go on? Yes the british empire did truly horrible things, but what they also did was breed stability and wealth, right some of the wrongs they helped create (slavery) and unite a huge proportion of the world with one common language.
Aaaaaand in the usual Kaw way, a thread about doing something nice for someone has gone off topic and turned into a "I'm smarter then you" with minor insults contest.
I've made my point with cod you're right zet. I just find it extremely disgusting when someone pretends to be military. It's an honor that you earn with hard work and much sacrifice. Not something that you pretend to be.
So it would be the united kingdom of Britain. Northern Ireland 1.5m population and it costs England more money to run than it's worth. Population of UK over 60m. Northern Ireland is handicap to the UK and t he least important member of the uk
No country has more dark patches than the british . Speaking of Germany you guys are genocide buddies
I never claimed they were more important, and it would just be Great Britain, no United Kingdom part. But you and I both know UK will never let NI go because a civil war would erupt in Ireland again like during the troubles that makes Afghanistan look like a playground.
If germany had won the war we'd all be speaking that so i dont see how the language is a good thing. You obviously have to culture in you to appreciate the importance of language and ones own customs and traditions. You list slavery as a good thing? Done talking with u