Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --Night--, May 21, 2012.

  1. Chickens....

    I once met a chicken....true story....

    You know a chicken invented the tv....yep
  2. They invented the light bulb too but that Edison guy stole it 
  3. I like my chicken with bacon, cheese and BBQ sauce.
  4. No they really arent
  5. Pass me the leg plz...

    Jk don't be mad they're just jokes
  6. My bestfriend was a chicken until i fried him... Chicken and beer is an addiction
  7. (/)_(\)

    Cause one face palm just isn't Enough
  8. Chicken Noodle Soup
  9. I heard chickens have good birthing hips...
  10. Hahahahahaha 
  11. Killine2, you are not worthy to laugh at my jokes, jk jk
  12. *Licks lips*
  13. Whenever someone calls a coward a chicken it's an insult to the chicken race
  14. (although I do like fried chicken)

    (They kill alot of chickens)

    I wonder why the chicken tastes sonbad :3
  16. Chickens are people too! All I do is steal their eggs and eat them >:D
  17. I didnt make fun of you! Your legs DO look yummy! *hides a wide Tigress grin