Chick Norissssss.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *TheRealDarkRazor (01), Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Eagle, I think you win understatement of the year.
  2. Insane, I think you do too.

    Eagle, you win understatement if the century! 
  3. *of, not if.
  4. Sorry about this post it was stupid.
  5. not to be rude but,
  6. Far over the misty mountains cold....
  7. he has 2 posts total

    get off forums noob
  8. U should clarify who was that directed to?
  9. Tht was to razor
  10. @Feather:

    You want to go to China? Ever watch the news?

    1) Communist country
    2) Crappy air
    3) Overcrowded
    4) Too many cars
    5) Too many bikes
    6) Too many everything

    I think the reason you made it is that not enough people wanted to go to cover the cost, and with your ego, you take up 10 seats.
  11. He'd take up the whole plane
  12. And there'd still be ego leftover
  13. I meant ten seats on a C-4 cargo plane. The ones for tanks and howitzers.
  14. He'd have to get a couple of planes to escort him to China.
    (In case any passing bombers tried to damage his overlarge ego. )
  15. China would think that they were being invaded with the amount of planes you'd need to carry feathers ego.
  16. The view in Beijing is so lame.
  18. BBCode fail from IGCB?! :shock: