So, I played a good 6 more hours of Minecraft yesterday. I'm surprised that wasn't enough time for you to think of a new insult, Feather. Get your crap together, it seems you're running out of ideas.
I'm sensing some real pathetic people on the this thread at this point. I was on my way back to the US, cheesemuffin. :roll: Some of us have real social lives, unlike you, and don't play video games all the time like you, the self-proclaimed "over 400 gaming hours" guy. I'm gonna leave this thread now temporarily. I've got to pack for my student ambassador trip to China.
So, accumulating 400 hours (18-19 days total) over the course of 15 years means I'm deprived of a social life? Low blow, Feather. With all your "I'm traveling to China as a student ambassador" bullcrap, I'm surprised you actually manage to develop a social relation with anyone in this time. Now, back to the original topic, which you expertly derailed: "I can't tell if you're a guy or a girl..."
That's great! Ambiguity is one of my many talents. And, lol, my social life is perfectly fine. Superb or large, people would say if asked about it. Just because I'm a student ambassador who travels to China tomorrow and has a massive social life doesn't mean you have to be jealous. You should aspire to be more like me! Try being an outstanding student who has a large influence over your fellow student population. That's how I got into the student ambassador program.