Chest and Furnishing Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by JEDI-MAESTRO, May 3, 2019.

  1. Storm Shattered Chest

    Storm Shattered Chest


    Event: Stealth at Sea
    Date Released: 7/20/22

    "Our investigations have shown the attacks at sea are by vampire pirates, dubbed "vampirates" by Maaku. Not only that, but they control the seas and the creatures within it through the use of something called a Blood Trident!

    If we can sneak Maaku aboard their primary ship, perhaps we can steal this trident..or at least disable it. If not, these vampirates will continue to prey upon our waters and people without end!"


    Fun Fact: This Event continued on the seas of the Abyssal Lands and saw the return of the enemy Corsair Queens, which are sought out for the help.

    Storm Shattered Chest Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Bubbles the Bilgerat (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Captain Whiskers
    ➩ Throne
    Crown's Revenge Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Vampire Slayer Pistols
    ➩ Armor
    Radiant Shackles
    Vampire Captain's Hat
    ➩ Helmet
    Liberated Treasure
    ➩ Chandelier
    Crown's Revenge Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Crown's Revenge Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Crown's Revenge Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Aquatic Vase
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Plotted Journeys of the Contessa's Bath
    Necrosmoke Bombs

    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Amulet of Warding
    ➩ Rug
    Crown's Revenge Carpet
    Crown's Revenge Brig Pathway

    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Seagull's Ropes
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Barrel of Frustration
    ➩ Walls
    Crown's Revenge Bow
    Crown's Revenge Deck
    Crown's Revenge Brig Wall
    Crown's Revenge Workshop Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Crown's Revenge Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of the Contessa's Bath
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Seize the Blood Trident!
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #301 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  2. Storm Shattered Chest Set

    Storm Shattered Chest Furnishing Set



    #302 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
  3. Seasunken Chest

    Seasunken Chest


    Event: Battle of the Blood Trident
    Date Released: 8/3/22

    "We have seized the Blood Trident, but the vampirates are on their way to slaughter us and take it back! We must strike them down for the good of all realms.

    If we do not defeat them here, we risk not only our fleet but the lives of all travelers in our waters. Let us end this undead scourge upon the seas for good!"


    Fun Fact: This Event continued on the seas of the Abyssal Lands.

    Seasunken Chest Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Scruffles the Seadragon (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Sheldon the Sea Otter
    ➩ Throne
    Vampirate Throne
    Shipwreck Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Captured Blood Trident
    ➩ Armor
    Cracked Horn of Summoning
    ➩ Helmet
    Prayerbook to Rosabranta
    ➩ Chandelier
    Anemone Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Woven Reed Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Seaglass Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Pearl Vase with Coral
    Crackling Seawater

    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Sparking Rod of Lightning
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Mosaic Pearl Box
    Map of Nautical Tactics

    ➩ Rug
    Woven Reed Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Seaglass Vase, Left
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Seaglass Vase, Right
    ➩ Walls
    Shipwreck Wall
    Oceanview Wall
    Oceanview Chamber Wall
    Shipwreck Workshop Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Seaglass Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of the Blood Trident
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Down the Undead!
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #303 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2022
  4. Seasunken Chest Set

    Seasunken Chest Furnishing Set



    #304 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2022
  5. Caduceal Box

    Caduceal Box


    Event: A Troubling Communion
    Date Released: 8/17/22

    "The Oracle and Sister Aethel make a pilgrimage to a remote temple for spiritual training, but when the gods lead them to an isolated village, they find its people suffering from plague and monstrous attacks.

    The two are on their own to discover the dark force at work and end its heretical legacy!"


    Fun Fact: This Event was based on a training journey for the Oracle and Sister Aetheldine, who stumble upon a plague-ridden town in a sickly forest near an old temple.

    Caduceal Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Reanimated Tricornu Mammoth Skeleton (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Corrupted Caducean Bear

    ➩ Throne
    Chair of the Caducean Village Leader
    ➩ Weapon
    Caducean Healer's Box of Tonics
    Lantern of Radiating Fungi
    ➩ Armor
    Blackbone Quartz Cluster
    ➩ Helmet
    Healer's Texts
    Notated Book of Preservation

    ➩ Chandelier
    Blackbone Quartz Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Titanic Everwood Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Lichen-Covered Caducean Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Blackbone Crystal Cluster
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Fungi Falchion
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Village Child's Doll
    ➩ Rug
    Caducean Hall Path
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Caducean Statue, Left
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Caducean Statue, Right
    Tricornu Mammoth Skull
    ➩ Walls
    Caducean Village Hall Walls
    Caducean Chamber Wall
    Crystalline Caducean Chamber Wall
    Caducean Healer's Workshop

    ➩ Floor
    Caducean Village Hall Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Caducean Village Banner
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    The Malmeliorate
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #305 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2022
  6. Caduceal Box Set

    Caduceal Box Furnishing Set



    #306 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2022
  7. Bloody Bandage Box

    Bloody Bandage Box


    Event: The Silent Swamp
    Date Released: 8/31/22

    "When the gods send explicit orders, one cannot ignore them! The Oracle explores the forest around the old temple to find the source of an increasingly worrisome miasma. Only death and heresy of the greatest sort could create such a foul air, and the Oracle may find that good deeds are spoiled by foul ends.

    If she cannot put an end to this heinous situation, a village of restless souls will be trapped forever..."


    Fun Fact: This Event continued the training journey for the Oracle and Sister Aetheldine near a plague-ridden town in a sickly forest swamp near an old temple. The 13th KaW Anniversary also took place during this Event and saw the release of the new KaW's Reliquary, also known as the Devs Coffer with charms made by each of the Devs.

    Bloody Bandage Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Infected Young Cedarhorn (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Caducean Boar

    ➩ Throne
    Caducean Swamp Beast Seat
    Ringwood Seat
    ➩ Weapon
    Caducean Forest Thrasher
    ➩ Armor
    Healer's Abandoned Journal
    ➩ Helmet
    Jar of Unidentified Tonic
    ➩ Chandelier
    Spiraled Cedarhorn Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Caducean Village Dais
    Dais of Sacrificed Trees

    ➩ Pillars
    Caducean Wooden Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Idle Hand Candle
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Snive-Headed Doll
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Caducean Villager's Keepsake
    ➩ Rug
    Caducean Forest Path
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Tricornu Jawbone, Left
    Collapsed Cedarhorn Skeleton
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Tricornu Jawbone, Right
    ➩ Walls
    Caducean Swamp Forest
    Caducean Village Home Wall
    Caducean Healer's Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Caducean Forest Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Stretched Tricornu Hide
    Hanging Caducean Skull Ornament
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Desperate Healer's Journal
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #307 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  8. Bloody Bandage Box Set

    Bloody Bandage Box Furnishing Set



    #308 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  9. Unsanctified Souls Box

    Unsanctified Souls Box


    Event: Desperate Duty
    Date Released: 9/14/22

    "After escaping hordes of undead, the Oracle and Aethel reunite and share their encounters. With the information they have gathered, they are ready to confront the person responsible for trapping so many souls.

    The Oracle and Aethel must defeat the necromancer and put the tormented souls to rest before the gods take matters into their own hands..."


    Fun Fact: This Event continued the training journey for the Oracle and Sister Aetheldine near a plague-ridden village.

    Unsanctified Souls Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Hexwolf (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Corrupted Caduceal Serpent

    ➩ Throne
    Heretic Healer's Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Caduceal Healer Scales
    ➩ Armor
    Glass Eyes of the Healer
    Caduceal Convalescent Pipe
    ➩ Helmet
    Caduceal Healer's Vials
    ➩ Chandelier
    Lichen Lighting
    Caduceal Wing Chandelier

    ➩ Dais
    Heretic Healer Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Heretic Healer Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Caduceal Cleaning Bowl
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    War Hammer of Healers
    Caduceal Healer's Necklace

    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Caduceal Healer's Tools
    ➩ Rug
    Heretic Healer's Path
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Caduceal Staff Replica, Left
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Caduceal Staff Replica, Right
    ➩ Walls
    Heretic Healer Wall
    Heretic Healer Chamber Wall
    Heretic Healer Workshop Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Heretic Healer Floor
    Slate Surgeon Floor

    ➩ Banner
    Examination Chandelier
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Soul Serpent Staff
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #309 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
  10. Unsanctified Souls Box Set

    Unsanctified Souls Box Furnishing Set



    #310 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
  11. Serpent Stash Box

    Serpent Stash Box


    Event: Serpent and Stone
    Date Released: 9/28/22

    "Two statues arrive as gifts from a city known for its artists. While the statues are breathtakingly beautiful and realistic, something about them bodes sinister.

    As you investigate the source of the unease that the statues evoke, you find that both the art and the artist are not what they seem..."


    Fun Fact: This Event changed the daily rewards from "Complete An Epic Battle" to two various paths, PvP and Epic Battle, with specific actions for completion.

    Serpent Stash Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Albino Saloxl (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Granite Golem
    ➩ Throne
    Sea of Stone Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Medallion Mori
    Petrified Love Shield
    ➩ Armor
    Scaredy Cat
    ➩ Helmet
    Montdarte Sculptor's Tools
    ➩ Chandelier
    Snakestone Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Stone Lamia Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Montdarte Olive Pillars
    Montdarte White Pillars

    ➩ Pet Food
    Helm of Shadows
    Montdarte Watering Bowl

    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Snake-Skinner Dagger
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Scaly Keepsake
    ➩ Rug
    Snakestone Floor Mosaic
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Montdarte Maiden Statue
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Quiet Montdarte Statue
    ➩ Walls
    Snakestone Wall
    Basalt Serpent Wall
    Montdarte Artist's Workshop Wall
    Snakestone Workshop Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Snakestone Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Banner of Montdarte
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Follow the Artist's Footprints
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #311 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2022
  12. Serpent Stash Box Set

    Serpent Stash Box Furnishing Set



    #312 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
  13. Snake Tomb Box

    Snake Tomb Box


    Event: Heart of Stone
    Date Released: 9/28/22

    "Gwyn rushes to Montdarte in order to warn Thanna and Maaku who are still investigating the sculptor, unaware of his ties to a dangerous gorgon. When the sculptor takes two townspeople up the mountain, Thanna cannot wait any longer and must go after him, with or without help.

    Both the sculptor and the gorgon must be stopped, but Thanna, Maaku, and Gwyn must avoid being turned into stone first!"


    Fun Fact: This Event saw the return of a previous Event Epic Battle, The Old Man of the Forest, and also overlapped with a crossover Event in the ATA new game, Single City.


    Snake Tomb Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Prismatic Hydragon (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Great Enneatou
    ➩ Throne
    Stone Coil Throne
    Sitting Serpent Throne

    ➩ Weapon
    Mage's Peering Glass
    ➩ Armor
    Mountain Wagon Model
    ➩ Helmet
    Serpent Scale Satchel
    ➩ Chandelier
    Hissing Flame Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Dais of Serpent Devotion
    ➩ Pillars
    Maiden Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Garter Snake Goblet
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Protective Gaze Shield
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Potion of Passing Perspective
    ➩ Rug
    Meandering Carpet
    Serpentine Path

    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Green Snake Sculpture
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Fossilized Philosopher
    Emerald Snake Sculpture
    ➩ Walls
    Stone Scale Wall
    Limestone Cavern Wall
    Swirling Snake Marble Chamber
    Slate Snake Wall and Table

    ➩ Floor
    Serpent's Spine Mosaic Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Snake Eye Banner
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Watchful Eye Shield
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #313 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
  14. Snake Tomb Box Set

    Snake Tomb Box Furnishing Set



    #314 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2022
  15. Thanatropolis Box

    Thanatropolis Box


    Event: KaW/Single City Crossover
    Date Released: 10/12/22

    "A mysterious portal has opened to a world the likes of which were never seen before. Shining neon lights, humongous self-driving carriages, gigantic buildings of glass and stone, and... a peculiar metal box that magically makes food warm?

    But don't be afraid! Journey forward! Experience this new world! And maybe you will even get to bring some goodies back with you."


    Fun Fact: This Event launched the promotion of the ATA new game, Single City.

    Thanatropolis Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Drama Daemon*

    ➩ Throne
    Iron Throne of Thanatropolis*
    ➩ Weapon
    ➩ Armor
    Cuboid Communicator*
    ➩ Helmet
    ➩ Chandelier
    ➩ Dais
    Thanatropolis Dais*
    ➩ Pillars
    Thanatropolis Pillars*
    ➩ Pet Food
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    ➩ Rug
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    ➩ Walls
    Thanatropolis Wall*
    ➩ Floor
    Thanatropolis Floor*
    ➩ Banner
    Monogramed Shield*
    Hearty Tankard*
    Plundered Pizza*
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest*
    Health Crystals(*)
    Trader's Tokens*
    Silver Bars*
    Event Collection Item*
    Upgrade Materials
    *Earned by reaching various, designated levels of upgraded Living Room in Single City.
    **Earned by completing every day of the ATA Day 2023 crossover Event in Single City.

    #315 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  16. Thanatropolis Set

    Thanatropolis Furnishing Set





    #316 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  17. Follyvine Invitational Box

    Follyvine Invitational Box


    Event: The Wayward Invitation
    Date Released: 10/26/22

    "Gwyn arrives with reports from the Hushgloom Woods of bizarre problems in the small village of Skimbledown Glen. Livestock being turned inside-out, thatched roofs collapsing when turned to gold, and furniture resting comfortably on ceilings.

    The village must be investigated at once to determine if these playful pranks bode something more devious..."


    Fun Fact: This Event saw an adjustment to Daily Legends that included 2 Legend track offers of tasks and rewards that players could earn each day from PvE and PvP actions.

    Follyvine Invitational Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Prince Froderik the Magnificent (Top 10 Leaderboard Reward)
    Mixed-Up Martha
    ➩ Throne
    Skimbledown Glen Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Skimbledown List of Grievances
    ➩ Armor
    Festival Invitationsl Box and Crown
    Faerie "Gold"

    ➩ Helmet
    Skimbledown Book of Riddles
    Pixe-Catching Jar
    ➩ Chandelier
    Faerie Lantern
    ➩ Dais
    Skimbledown Flowering Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Skimbledown Flowering Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Boggle Stump
    Bubbling Trough

    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Floral Horseshoe
    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Golden Straw
    ➩ Rug
    Faerie Circle Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Spilled Milk
    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Folly Pops
    ➩ Walls
    Skimbledown Glen Wall
    Follyvine Border Tree Wall
    Follyvine Chamber Wall
    Skimbledown Glen Forest Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Skimbledown Glen Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Follyvine Invitational Floral Banner
    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Sprite Catching Jar
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.
    #317 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
  18. Follyvine Invitational Box Set

    Follyvine Invitational Box Furnishing Set



    #318 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  19. Faerie Tea Service Box

    Faerie Tea Service Box


    Event: Sugargoats and Teacakes
    Date Released: 11/9/22

    "Having discerned the faeries mean no ill will to their mortal neighbors and are, in fact, attempting to invite them to a festival in the spirit of fun and friendship long forgotten by all with mortal lifespans, Gwyn treats with the faeries to arrange safe passage and a speedy return for the villagers of Skimbledown Glen.

    The last time one of our own treated with the faeries, their leader was reluctant to let him go. Caution and diplomacy are key, lest the villagers never return home..."


    Fun Fact: This Event saw the introduction of the new Event Bundle available for one time purchase in the Marketplace.

    Faerie Tea Service Box Contents


    Possible Drops


    ➩ Pet
    Teacake, the Festival Mascot (Top 10 Pet)
    Marzipan, the Dancing Goat
    ➩ Throne

    Follyvine Festival Throne
    Follyvine Tea Party Throne
    ➩ Weapon
    Follyvine Festival Rhymes
    ➩ Armor
    Enchanted Tea Party
    ➩ Helmet
    Delightful Delicious Goats
    ➩ Chandelier
    Cobwebbed Rose Lantern
    ➩ Dais
    Follyvine Festival Dais
    ➩ Pillars
    Follyvine Festival Pillars
    ➩ Pet Food
    Follyvine Mushroom Cluster
    ➩ Shield (Top Left)
    Exploded Emergency Friendship Flare
    Trio of Cold Iron Hairpins

    ➩ Trophy (Middle Left)
    Scarf of Spun Gold
    ➩ Rug
    Follyvine Spiderweb Carpet
    ➩ Left Side Throne
    Follyvine Festival Teacakes and Table
    Golden Quill and Book of Riddles

    ➩ Right Side Throne
    Follyvine Festival Tea Service
    ➩ Walls
    Follyvine Forest Wall
    Follyvine Festival Wall
    Follyvine Forest Workshop Wall

    ➩ Floor
    Follyvine Grassy Floor
    ➩ Banner
    Follyvine Friendship Banner
    Follyvine Bejewelled Floral Banner

    Rime Bull Idol
    Bellicose Bird Idol
    Black Cat Idol
    War Mongrel Idol
    EB Items
    Seal of the Damned
    Aveum Circle Piece
    Royal Seerstone
    Imperial Seerstone
    Enchant Items
    Plunder Items
    Crux Chest
    Golden Crux Chest
    Health Crystals
    (appear in place of Event Collection Item after event ends)
    Trader's Tokens
    Event Collection Item*
    Follyvine Tea
    Upgrade Materials**
    Chain Section
    Pile of Grain
    Metal Blades
    Iron Nails
    Worn Buckler
    Leather Strip
    Chainmail Sheet
    Cloth Bolt
    Pillar Fragment
    Marble Tile
    Granite Hand
    Granite Feet
    *Event Collection Item was only available for the duration of the Event.
    ** Upgrade Materials are only available in the Free Daily Chest version and are not tradable.

    #319 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2022
  20. Faerie Tea Service Box Set

    Faerie Tea Service Box Furnishing Set



    #320 JEDI-MAESTRO, Jul 6, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022