I'm not Mr. Right, but I'm Mr. Right Now!! How u doing you pretty little thing, I'm Static. Can I buy you a drink? Say...have you ever smelled chloroform??
So we're friends now, when do the benefits kick in? I know you're busy today, but can you add me to your to-do list? Keep calm and take your pants off. If your feeling down, can I feel you up? I'm not staring at your boobs, I'm staring at your heart. Hey Baby, I just paid off this mustache, want to take it for a ride?
If I had a dollar for every time I'm thinking of you I'd have a dollar because you never leave my mind
Do u work for a wifi company? Because I feel a connection! All the girls be like aawWWW ️, gggaaaaay lol
If your left leg is thanksgiving and your right leg is Christmas, can I have dinner between the holidays? I ain't no fred flint stone, but I can make your bed rock. Let's go home and play Pearl Harbor, I'll lay down and you blow the hell out of me. The word Is legs, let's go home and spread the word. Are you a drill seargant? Cause you have my soldier standing at attention. There will only be 7 planets after I destroy Uranus. I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on you. I lost my virginity, can I have yours? **** me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Laura? Can I read your tshirt in Braille? Do you go to church often? Because your gonna be on your knees tonight! As long as I have a face, you will always have a place to sit.
An old buddy of mine was nick named "the pick up artist", the reality of it was that he would get turned down 11 out of 10 times(not a typo). We would have him go out with us just for the laughs(at him), and of course to look like a savior cleaning up after him.. Lol One of his favorite lines(never worked) oh btw he was super tall and skinny, big ears, very deep voice, and had a serious pigeon chest... Hi, my names Bill... How ya like me so far?? He would buy pick up line books even, and be like... You gotta get them to laugh. I said, yeah...with you though, not at you!