Cheese's Forge

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Mournful_Assassin, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Not exactly tn3u, but you weren't exactly "open armed" towards cheese.
  2. Almost everybody in tn3u agreed he was being a jerk -.- i wasn't the only one
  3. I sorta forgave you cheese. Although I don't know why reg is being this way, especially since she went and tried to kill our thread.

    As for game, I have no clue why he's being shunned.
  4. It's funny cuz Reg's spazzing out about how she never did anything when Hidden just proved a great point
  5. How did I try to kill tn3u?
    U r the one trying to kill it -.-
  6. Sorry but reg does have a point
  7. I was among the first of Tn3U. You randomly appeared and screwed things over
  8. @Reg

    Spot, were cool, right?
  9. Ya. Of course. U r blaming me just cuz i found this app later than u -.-
  10. I guess. I just miss the old days...
  11. No, because you decided. Screw creativity! RULES!!! and then you enforced those stupid limits and riles on everyone!
  12. Enforced rules?
    I hate rules!!!
    The rules were here b4 i came and everybody was yelling at me for breaking them -.-
  13. Cheese, you were ONE of the first? As I recall, you were the one who created the IDEA of tn3u
  14. Technically, it means the same thing, but yeah, I was the very first
  15. hey cheese, come back. I rebuilt ur forge with mechus and noe its a magic weapon development plant :D
  16. No. We shall continue the teachings of Mechus here.
  17. ok. please teach me more.
  18. Youeeh swerz youeeeh baaaaaahd bouhy. iz is goin tuz haz to kill uoyeh. :cry:
  19. Learn to spell when u threaten someones life u don't want them to die thinking your a retard
  20. german has spoken