Suck* If he chooses to he can take that as harassment and just silence you. Why you ask? Because he's a mod, frankly he can say you walled him bypasses and he silenced you then deleted them so the bypass isn't seen.
Aproxamitily 1-3 seconds depending on the developers internet speed. All they do is something like going to players account click change and put in name then change again and after it uploads (1-3 seconds depending on internet speed ^) name is changed.
WARNING WARNING SENSE OF BUTT HURT IN THIS AREA PLEASE LEAVE AT ONCE ๎ Man cheese seriously before going off on someone's wall (mine) think, cause well it'll give a few laughs so ill Leave it there for a bit.
He never claimed he was cheese... He just said "cheese declares war" that's his name. So, by that same logic whoever stole wulf's old name (sewulf) should be banned/name changed? No. Is this stupid and pointless? Yes.
I'm very surprised that my name has been copied more than once. I wonder if it's the same person who keeps doing it or if there are that many people who really like my name. This would be #4, I think. The 2nd and 3rd ones were both renamed immigration-cheese. Then there was some dude who copied my name in a third party chat app, too. I don't get it. Is the name Imitation Cheese really that interesting? :?
I always farm myself. Because I'm that good. Sometimes even strip myself. Hard to find my TZ though..