Noobs look cheese (op) has been around longer than the po dunk one you guys know (oos) why you think the oos one has tags? Because the original name imitation cheese was taken. So hop off the tip wagon
"I've had this name for a year" Oh wait, a year ago, Imitation Cheese was… yeah, still Imitation Cheese. You know what else is funny? I remember someone with the exact same name as you getting their name changed, around a year ago. So have fun with that, OP.
@KamKam I started december 2010. These are my stats. Not all of us can smash an EB button 24 times a day. Nor do we care too.
Lol these aren't eb hits I was in war clan for a year, I'm just a merc now so its not as much as it could be. And ur stats are 4x this guys
Who went and changed the length of a year down to 242 days? :evil: Here's OP's loyalty badge. Here's the one from my first account: I've had the name Imitation-Cheese since I started playing.
This guy :lol: He wanted to make sure you didnt get your name back, which was pointed out to be the incorrect one that he took.
There's heaps of evidence proving I was the first person ever in this game to have the name Imitation-Cheese. I'm not seeing any from the OP other than the lie he already tried to pull off saying he's had the name for a "like a year." So has he had it more than a year or less than a year? And where is his first account, if not the one he used to post this thread?
Ok who thinks we should lock this thread, from op, oh wait I mean the impersonator of my good buddy cheese? Cause basically this thread does need a lock