Not really no ... But where density is comparable in some of the largest cities of Europe while "gun" violence is less their overall violent crime and even murder rate is comparable and in some cases actually higher then in the USA (ex. Mugging armed robbery rapè assault assault with a deadly weapon and so on ) But over all the largest population in Europe is only 82 mill and that Germany next is France at 62 and the UK at 61 mill not even close to usa's 326 mill
Well I have enlisted in the United States Army as an 11x and leave 13 June 2016 for basic training. But this hit me especially hard because I know what it's like to lose loved ones. This in my opinion was a form of a terrorist attack. And should be dealt with accordingly
The Guardian With less than 5% of the world's population, the United States is home to roughly 35–50 per cent of the world's civilian-owned guns, heavily skewing the global geography of firearms and any relative comparison • The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people • But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people • Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean
UK - 225 people per km^2 USA - 35 people per km^2 UK - about 0.26 gun related deaths per 100 000 in 2010. USA - about 10.6 per 100 000 in 2013 The UK had 40 times less gun-related deaths, yet has a population density about 9 times more than the USA.
I agree with that. But why can't we be like Switzerland. Everybody there owns a gun and has the lowest murder and crime rates per capita. And they have never been in a war that I know of
If u want to mention Japan fine it's a totally different culture with totally different issues to deal with ... Why don't u check their Suicide rate in Japan? They have such a problem with people committing suicide that they enacted laws to charge the family of the victim the costs incurred by the act .... California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country period not to mention ccw laws that are ridiculous.... Yet it has 2-3 of the most violent cities in the entire country not to mention the "civilized" world .....
Did you forget to mention that someone can just buy a gun in Texas and just bring it into California? That's why gun laws should be nationwide in the USA. And the culture is not to blame for the low gun crime rate... Maybe it has to do with nobody owning a gun. I don't know.
I said county not country. You are incorrect on your ideas that places that allow open carry are more prone to gun violence. Most people who carry legally give a damn about their second ammendment and are more likely to avoid use of lethal force because of fear of revoking their carry permits. Feel free to look at statistics on the government databases avail. For the public. Try not to look at websites that are full of crap. Googling and seeing a website that states statistics that is obviously incorrect dont make you right
England outlaws all handguns to the public when u accurately compare the two countries violent crime rates per 100,000 the England is 776 per 100,000 usa is 403 per 100,000 While I still don't see comparing other countries as valid at all UR argument about gun or no guns cutting violent crime is invalid to say the least
People who think banning firearms dont understand how to use one. When real facts are presented they get defensive and try to find a web site that sides with their argument so they can continue complaining.
I already corrected for the disparity in violent crime states when u take the UK violent crime (the higher number they consider violent crime not just the crimes the USA counts) it's actually 2034 per 100,000 the 776 per 100,000 was just the like same crimes as USA stats only
Arguing over it is pointless because people will always disagree on something. My statement is true but you may disagree