Well AJ, to be fair, if you look at ststes like California, they have some work arounds that abuse the current rulings pretty heavily. States that ban open carry must provide access to a CCW, but the firearms must be on the CA lefal handgun list. The way it is currently set up, firearms companies must pay and submit their models to get it reapproved, and every single semi-automatic pistol falls off that list Jan 1st 2016. So far they have denied all reapplied applications submitted due to not" meeting CA standards" so effectively they are following the law, but making no weapon avail. To be carried as a registered ccw. Ca is also limited to 10 round magazines while other states can have 18-30 etc. Also, if you carry a 2-15 medical marijuana card, you cannot be allowed a ccw nor even to purchase a firearm from a licensed FFL if they are aware you own one. CA has some of the most violent cities in america, La, Oakland, etc. And i gurantee you that most if not all of those gun violent crimes committed could have been prevented, or possibly not even happen due to people knowing that others might have a firearm. Guns are easy to obtain illegally, so cracking down on gun laws makes no sense...
I agree aj, for plinking and self defense, 10 rounds is just fine. Just was pointing out how different states are etc. I personally think that firearms since governed by the federal side of things first and foremost, should be a country wide ruling like drugs are. Even though states legalize marijuana, you can still be arrested by the feds. Just seems wierd
Yeah. I believe guns laws should be federally done. First and foremost, guns are made to kill: they aren't made to scree in a lightbulb. Some people use them to hunt, some like to collect and others like safety. Nothing wrong with that. I draw the line when people want to own automatic/semi automatic rifles or guns with over 12 shots per clip. You have the right to bare arms, but, that was written at a time when it took you awhile to reload. Imo
I love my guns. I keep a sig938 in my glove box and a glock23 in a safe next to my bed. I have a few others that I keep around the house too. I don't feel any more safe with or without them, I just have always enjoyed owning guns. I'd absolutely own them illegally if I ever moved to a 'banned' city or state like NYC or Chicago. No one is going to ever take my guns from me.
'Shots per clip' = 'rounds per magazine' You say clip like a rap star... Do you hold your gat sideways yo It's properly known as a magazine FYI
If you want any credibility when speaking English about firearms, you need to know what the hell you are talking about first. If you don't know about firearms, then how do you expect people to take anything away from your argument other than the fact that everything you know about them was learned playing CoD and listening to 2pac?
If you're unable to come up with something good to reply to me, that's fine. Continue to focus on a small irrelevant part.
Nah it's just the FBI/CIA/USA military, we would get invaded by the British Russians and Chinese if we did
If people truly believed this didn't affect them, then they wouldn't even bother posting on the thread. Some people here just want to vent personal opinions on why we shouldn't care. In my opinion it is the job of the people of America to mourn the loss, whatever race. Whatever crap about the government or underlying causes you want to vent do so elsewhere, this is a thread to mourn normal people, who have been tragically killed.
Because you guy's are not world leaders. You do not have as many people wanting to threaten the benefits your country has.