Chattanooga Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Terrorist groups are there because the area is unstable, if you know some history the Middle East was doing fairly well until western countries came in screwed up all the borders by creating Israel and angering a lot of people causing conflicts and the area destabilized.

    Edit: just fixed some grammar
  2. this argument is starting to look better than my anime.
    Jk. Nothing is better than this anime.
  3. Terrorist apologist, how cute. The territory isn't stable so let's roll up to a university in kenya and slaughter 147 students because their religion. You're a fool if you think this started with the creation of Israel or western countries in the region.
  4. that is how it started. the actions of western nations destabilized the region decades ago. much of the unrest in the middle east and africa can be traced back to colonialism. calling someone a fool won't change history.
  5. No the fact the area is not stable allows the formation of extremist groups to grow since the government is busy solving another problem and can't stop it before it gets out of hand. Or the government may lack the military capability to stop them.
  6. No these events happened outside a declared war... So before sprouting off about idiots check your info.These were proven to be of "no military objectives" "outside a declared war" We could also go Into the chemical and biological weapons we have used, or the fact that we ourselves refused to sign conventions on the research and development of such things... Yet behold if anyone else dares have a chemistry set :lol: A true fact is we have spent more killing destroying nations than it would to eradicate world poverty.. And now that is legit and shows what our mentality is like, but you feel free to believe the press. You fail to understand we are guilty of acts against humanity and global terror :p But yeah were the good guys we do no wrong it's all them
  7. I agree with scum, we do have a lot of blood on our hands as well. Don't see the point in all the name calling though. How is that supposed to help us all Unite together?
  8. Man am I glad Canada is one of America's closest allies
  9. They exist and have existed in countries with stable government. They don't want stability they want to create chaos and terror. They are attacking based on their ideology. No amount of stable government or pacifism is going to end their beliefs and their desire to spread them as far as they can. They hate you and your way of life, it's that simple.
  10. you know what they say. keep your friends close and your future conquests closer. :twisted:

  11. Darn Cananadans, always leeching off America's amazingness.
  12. Crap, quick call in the Mounties and attack beavers.
  14. I could go down the list one by one but since you have Japan and Vietnam listed and then claim they were outside of war I can stop there.

    I'm not claiming we don't have blood on our hands. We are definitely guilty of wrong doing and putting our nose where it doesn't belong. But you're absolutely wrong to compare collateral damage to specific targeting of civilians.
  15. Countries with a stable government can usually handle them and prevent them from getting out of control. I mean like America has the ku klux klan however the government prevents them from getting out of control.
  16. Do you have any clue what you're talking about? The majority of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi, they have perhaps the most stable government in the region. They sure did an excellent job not letting it get out of control.
  17. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams therefore your argument is invalid.
  18. no. but it can weaken steel beams. weakened steel beams with massive weight loads tend to fail.

    please don't bring conspiracy theories into this.
  19. Sorry I couldn't resist XD