Chattanooga Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. second ammendment is about protecting yourself from the government, of course they want to take that right away
  2. Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws, all but stopped all the murders there........ ooops next argument
  3. "Gun is easiest way to kill someone"
    Please. Its a way, certainly not the easiest. Its pretty easy to slide a knife across a mans neck. Could hit him with a car too. Cars are far more accessible. Should ban those, cars kill far more people that guns do.
  4. U cannot see a bullet coming...
    But whatever its Americas problem.
    No answer so far n blow off everyone pointing out the obvious.
    How reactive n never proactive.
  5. A car and a knife can't kill from 1,000 meters away . Gun is the easiest way to kill someone to slit some,one throat there would generally be confrontation with a gun you don't need one.
  6. It's mainly about state regulated militias.
  7. Well ppl still livin in the 18th century n talikin in the 21st century.
    Time to move on maybe?
  8. Big biz n lobbyists run the country.
    War is big biz n when everyone is in competition its a drain on poorly spent resources. The poor n needy could not care a less about bullets.
  9. Californians can thank Arnold for making almost any gun illegal. No more than 3 rounds in a clip, gun has to be stored in a special glove box. Ammo needs to be stored in the trunk and there is a limit to how much ammo you can have.

    They are trying to make a new gun law, that requires all concealed hand guns be using a clip that requires a special tool to unlock it from the gun. Same goes for rifles, has to have a special clip, nothing over .50 cal can be purchased in California. (However you'll need to get the gun modified if you buy it out of state)

    The fines for not modifying the guns are outrageous.
  10. I disagree a gun you look just pull a trigger and they die with a knife though first off they have to get close to you meaning you have more options to fight or run if they have a knife second have you ever truly thought about killing someone with a knife i mean you would have to see yourself do it there would be so much blood you would feel there flesh along the edge of the blade. For me killing with a gun would be much easier but as i said earlier thats just my opinion.
  11. You have to aim a gun. You miss, you likely won't get a second chance.
    A knife, you just calmly walk behind them and cut. Tilt their head back so the blood goes out away from your hands, and then its done. They are dead, and the knife and gloves (assuming you were wise enough to have gloves) can be burned. Job done, man (or woman) dead, no traceable weapon remains. And more importantly, no loud noise to alert neighbors. Silent, messy kill. Don't slip in their blood on your way out.
  12. How many idiots charge a man with a gun? Also are these guys using muskets?

    Guess you should also go tell your military to ditch their guns and bring swords back.
  13. Pretty much if guns are so **** at killing we wouldn't be using them

    Also guns can be used without the anyone on the block hearing, suppressors work they don't make it completely silent like in them voices but it's not anywhere close to that loud.
  14. gl defeating the US forces with handguns
  15. Even with rifles they couldn't  tanks drones and apaches be too much
  16. But you don't need weapons to defeat a nation, only fear. Do you think Hitler got the millions of followers that opposed him by keeping guns aimed at them? No he just made them afraid. What's the best way to destroy a nation? Hack it's computers,spread your ideas, make the people fear you and create a civil war as sides battle for their ideas. To destroy a country you just need to split it.
  17. Wouldn't even need that. Even the coast guard is well enough equipped to handle a group of civilians. Bring in any other military branch and its over for any civilian uprising.
  18. Unless most the military bases defect you won't win, and who's name did it censor?

    This is also implying NATO doesn't help the governments side which more then likely would

    Pretty sure you know who didn't really make people fear him the economy was drastically improved even after ww1 and all those treaty's etc.

    But that's a different topic.
  19. True. It censored the leader of Germany during WW2
  20. U think that up all by yourself?
    What a screwed up society n crap values.
    NRA a true brainwashin self interest group.