Chattanooga Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. This is blatant discrimination of males, all females over age of 18 should also be entered in the draft.

    gg feminist
  2. Support
  3. #ThereAreFemaleStormTrooppers
  4. Efforts to take down public flags or monuments associated with the Confederacy are being renewed in communities like New Orleans; Tampa, Fla.; Austin, Tex.; and Stone Mountain, Ga. Yale and the University of California, Berkeley, are among educational institutions being pushed to rename campus buildings honoring people connected to slavery and the Confederacy.

    If we whipe it out from everywhere maybe it didnt happen after all
  5. Im not implying they're are Good. Im just saying it is a solution. Not very plausible but, a solution nonetheless however small the actual possibility.
  6. RiP Marines.

    Oh and if any of you think that by making guns "illegal" it will wipe out the murder rate, you are severely sheltered. If you just knew how easy it was to get a gun unregistered nowadays you'd be baffled. Plus, news flash, you can kill people without using a gun. It isn't the guns killing people, it's the idiots behind the gun. And when one of those idiots rolls up, (btw these idiots exist in EVERY country in the world) I'd gladly take them on with my guns, while you can sit there and hope said idiot shows you mercy, which they won't.

    Good day.
  7. No ones saying guns should be illegal, or thinks geting rid of them would wipe out the murder rate.
    It would lower it decently though. Mind you I'm not saying they should be illegal.

    Everyone knows how easy it is to get a gun. Mainly due to the fact how our current gun laws are.
    Yes you can kill people without a gun no one said you couldn't but a gun is the fastest and simplest way.

    Yes idiots are a huge problem because how easy it even is to get one legally.

    No one asks for mercy like you say it's not a movie, if someone's going to kill you with a gun you're generally dead before you could pull one out even then. But that's all debatable depending on the situation.
  8. It is much easier to kill a person with a gun though both mentally and physically but thats just imo

  9. Idiots will always find a gun.
  10. Some countries have more idiots than others n I wonder why this is so?
    What reasons could answer that?

    Maybe romanticizing weapons is it?
  11. How about giving inmates a second chance? I'm not saying let murders walk, the lesser crimes. Give these guys a clean slate if they go out for a tour.
  12. what toss them back onto to streets?
    Back to square 1 not dealing with poverty.

    So a question...
    How many ppl with weapons for protection have actually had the need to use it?
    Could it be more about unfounded fear since no stats prove otherwise?
    Simply hiding behind ones rights eg the 2nd amendment is not good enough.
  13. Wouldn't they be expendable? It's 1 step to allowing people to live the better life, that on which America was founded on.
  14. America was founded on violence n slavery. Celebrate a slaver Columbus.
    The forefathers did not envision all the problems society creates for itself.
    Since then not much has changed much at all n still the leading nation going to war n all the biz that ppl get rich off of.
  15. If u want a better n healthier society u educate ppl better n create a larger middle class not destroy it. The poor r only left further behind n leads to corruption n crime as it does everywhere.

    Metal detectors in schools is one example of things gone wrong n not getting better.
    Any other nations utilize them?
  16. I have a question, if i have a metal pen would i be aloud to bring it to school? I mean the difference between a metal and plastic pen is basically non existent just the material it is made out of.
  17. I'm more worried about protecting myself against our own government than I am defending myself against a random criminal.
  18. Thats old n when was that last needed?
    Its not 1776 anymore unless ppl live in the past. Don't ppl think rationally anymore?
  19. I think it's irrational that people entirely trust the government to serve and protect them. I know it's what everyone is taught their entire life, but I don't understand how so many people fall for it. Everything they do pushes an agenda of money and power, and that doesn't bring out much trust in me. I know if they wanted to screw us we probably couldn't stop them. But at least we could have some sort of offense.
  20. Nighthawk it's really hard to prove a negative .... Guns stop crime .... Because the crime was never actually committed .... But statics do prove that states with high levels of ccw livened people have dramatically less violent crime rates ... And that states that recently Enacted laws that allowed for ccw or greater number off ccw people have in there own state saw huge reductions in violent crimes in as short a time as 1-2 years...

    That being said there is a quote that directly addresses UR question

    "A widely-known study conducted by Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz in the 1990s found that there were somewhere between 830,000 and 2.45 million U.S. defensive gun uses annually. A National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) which asked victims if they had used a gun in self-defense found that about 108,000 each year had done so. A big problem with the NCVS line of survey reasoning, however, is that it only includes those uses where a citizen kills a criminal, not when one is only wounded, is held by the intended victim until police arrive, or when brandishing a gun caused a criminal to flee.

    For these reasons, the Cato researchers investigated published news reports which much more often reveal how Americans use guns in self-defense. The data set is derived from a collection of nearly 5,000 randomly selected incidents published between October 2003 and November 2011. Still, the authors also recognize limitations with this approach, since many defensive incidents are never reported by victims, or when they are, never get published. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the successful self-defense outcomes are those where the defendants’ guns are presented but never fired." ... rol-lobby/

    For those that wish to read the full article