Chattanooga Shooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kissmyaxe, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. ...........# Gun of........Death
    ...........homicicides...per 100k

    Below does not add to above

    Then there is
    Mexico....11309..... ....@9.97

    Fill in other violent death at will
  2. Santa is real too but you may disagree 
  3. i move to ban islam, a few use it as a sybol to kill like the confederate flag, we need to just ban it, need to set up a quaran/bible swap now, bbl
  4. We need to ban Christianity by that logic, and it wasn't quite a few with the confederate flag.

    And we are not banning it.
  5. A lot of people are all for banning guns and stuff, WAKE UP, all you're doing is taking away guns from the victims of shootings. You seriously think people who do illegal stuff will abide bythose laws when they break so many others? They will ALWAYS be able to get guns, but law-abiding citizens will not. A mass-shooting, I'll bet, is easier if the victims can't fire back, right? Don't you think the casualties would consist of less innocent people if the innocent people shot the guy who shot at them? And it would also remove a killer off the streets as well. I'm pretty sure crime rates would go down as well, I mean, don't you think there would be as much crime as there is if they run the risk of being shot and possibly killed every time they do that sort of stuff? I'm going off of common sense, and any of the people who are with banning guns, can shove their "Statistics" where the sun don't shine for all I care.
  6. Most people that get shot don't have a chance to get shot back.

    Only crazy people want to ban guns

    Guess what statistics prove you wrong it's like fast food is healthy

    Yes they will always be able to get guns and so what? It lowers the murder rate drastically because we make it harder for them.

    But in most shooting the person doesn't even have time to fire back so you're point is trash.
  7. Implimenting gun control laws like california has might of worked before so many guns were in circulation, but at this point in americas lifespan, doing so now will just get more innocent people killed.

    Sansea is a typical ass hat clown that jumps on a bandwagon without knowing where it is headed. At least nighthawk tries to provide numbers. Who knows, maybe we should try to ban all firearms. The problem is the government would have to go in and sieze all weapons in existence so that the criminals who will continue to get weapons illegally wont have anything to get.

    Out of the weapons involved crimes, the real statistic that matters would be how many firearms purchased LEGALLY were used to commit, as compared to those obtained ILLEGALLY. That, right there, is the real numbers we need to be able to judge
  8. Sansea, have you ever been in a firefight? The way you speak you must have been, otherwise your speaking on things you havent experienced. It really annoys me when people who play call of duty think they know what a shooting situation is like.
  9. What band wagon have I jumped onto, you guys barely show stats so why should I?

    I'm not anti gun I'm all for sports shooting etc but it should be harder to get.

    No but if been shot at once. By a half mentally insane person who was able to get a gun legally
  10. Exactly. And looks like your still alive. Most criminals arent very good shots, ex. Idiot wannabe gangsters that hold a pistol sideways to look cool. If your legally carrying, and have taken the classes, tests for a ccw, and practice from time to time at a range or whatever, you should be decently aware of how to handle a firearm. I dont think people should just be handed a gun lol. But i think certain political pushes over issues in the media are stupid reasons for pushing gun control.

    It only takes a second to get your concealed weapon out and defend yourself. If it takes you longer than that you probably shouldnt carry. If the shooter misses you and you have time to react to fire back, awesome. If the shooter misses and you dont have a sidearm, your atuck just waiting for the next shot to possibly hit you......
  11. Ok first gun deaths being higher in a country with legal gun ownership over a country with no gun ownership ? That's kinda a no duh situation UR taking tool of death ....

    While USA murder rate is around 4 per 100,000 and most European countries are around 1-1.5 per 100,000 murders again UR comparing apples to oranges and that's not even taking into account actual violent crimes (which I already proved is actually higher per capa in England I could go country by country if u like but it's a waste of time it's almost universally the same or higher then the USA)

    Like I said before comparing violent crime including murder when comparing a country like England or other European countries is just plain silly their overall population is so much less .... For example there are a total 4 cities in England with a population over 600,000 (or even over 500,000) in Texas alone there are 6 cities with a population of over 600,000 and in keeping with UR density numbers .... Texas total population is only 27 mill while England is 62 mill so while they have more total people they are less densely populated when comparing cities

    Now look nation wide there are over 57 cities in the USA over 600,000 (and atleast 71 over 500,000 (stopped counting after that)) while England only has 4 total over 600,000 (and that includes over 500,000) so ofcourse UR murder rate and overall crime rate should be far higher here.... But in actuality it's only the murder rate that's higher.... Violent crime rate is higher there .... So what's that say? We tend to finish the job better more often? But we commit violent acts less often even with a population over 5x as high and nearly 18x as many large cities given the pool of potential nut cases willing to commit such violent acts is exponentially higher

    UR concentrating on a tool used to commit 1 type of violent crime while ignoring violent crime in total and instead of the criminal element or even the fact that states that have easier ccw laws actually bring down the national average of violent crimes
  12. Good ol Wild west mentality.......pathetic
    No intelligence required for that ideology

    Rampant circulation when nobody cared.
    Go ahead n kill or be killed.........aim true

    Moral to story is move outta the cities.
  13. I love a good western , but why limit it to handguns .... If your walking down the street and someone pulls a knife on you , you should be allowed to defend yourself with say...a samurai sword
  14. yes it is getting banned, with political correctness, before long you will not get hired if you have a pic with it, you see what nascar has done, just shy of banning it from thier events, stores pulling it from shelves to avoid not being pc, and getting the backlash.

    It gets back to the same thing every time, you need to get to and fix/stop the root cause that people cross over that line and do the unimmaginable for most people.

    Is it desensativity with all the killing kids are exposed to in games and tv/movies?

    Is it lack of being taught early on that there is a consequence for your action? im a firm believer in spankings, i was when i was a kid, spanked by 1 parent, abused by another, i know the difference.

    I dont know the answer, but its not take away guns, thats just the tool of the moment

    Do you really want to take away that in exchange for not satisfying the impulse and that persons thinking turns to a worse act, poisoning water supply, or something worse.

    I have heard that Japan has a low crime rate, you can leave your backpack on the curb and no one will touch it, from what i understand they have a high sense of honor, and would not want to bring shame on thier family, is that what we are missing? (basics of all religions)
  15. I want a nuke you know incase those pesky Russians.
  16. You don't need a nuke for the Russians , I watched a documentary on how to beat them , I think is was called Rambo II
  17. Why don't we draft? If we nuke the entire region,theyre done for. Also, a loss of hundreds to save thousands is a solution. A war cant be won without sacrificing something. We need to unite as one ,and act like a goddamned AMERICANS
  18. its not geting banned, but what you do let it be taking a picture with it and uploading it to facebook doesn't look like someone most people would want to hire, whichnisnwhy you shouldn't post that kind of stuff up there etc cause employers look at that.

    What companies would do with it is their business. NASCAR makes the rules for their events they can decide. Also I don't think spankings is the way to go about it. I don't consider it child abuse but I mean it just made me want to do it more. But then again people are different.

    But I don't want to take them away they need to be harder to get legally and illegally. There are people who own them who should not. I would also assume that depends on where in japan they are for that to happen.
  19. Uh... Do what now?

    Nuke the middle east?

    Nah, ill pass on that idea.
  20. Are you really implying nukes are good

    We have the draft. It's mandatory for every male over 18 to be signed up on it.

    But we haven't used the draft in awhile