Character sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CrayzJayz, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Pagd (post already Gawd damnit(the new bump))
  2. Oh I like new bump let's spread it to the world
  3.  re-Pagd
  4. name:Shadow(real name unknown)
    weapons:Shadowspirit*, mag bombs**
    power:Control of shadows(makes shields and shadow beasts)

    *a sword that shatters victims soul, putting them in an eternal coma(some recover though)

    **disrupts electronics and magnetics destroy local magnetic field, rendering gravity ramdom and changing

    Apearance:Dark brown close to black hair, 5'7", straight almost military posture, light skinned

    bio: parents killed by shadows when he is 5. in an attemp to avenge them, he is defeated but somehow gains control

    personality: somewhat dark and cold but warms as you get to know him.

    race: USA

    i hope you use him :D
  5. 1. I've seen that person on atleast two other sign ups
    2. USA is Not a race it's a country
  6. Fine race: American-Norwiegian
  7. Last chance 4 sign up
  8. Name:jadera
    Magic:complete control of water(down to particles of water)
    Personality: quiet, funny,wise, shy, clever
    Bio: is quiet and will only talk to give advice and on rare occasions but is really funny when he does and any advice is wise. Great at using what he has to solve puzzles and win battles.even tho he doesn't talk much he is very musical( you choose the instrument(I play guitar, piano, recorder))

    Weapon(s):two elven short swords and also has a magnificently carved bow( he carved it himself)
  9. Apperance: 6'1" long(mid back) dark brown with feint silver, looks like he's 30 but he's really 3672 (if the elves are immortal in your book)