Chaos Wars - Week 1: War #1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. K9- just to give you perspective on why gh hansel are hated on... Think about this.. But before you do, check out my forum post on season 2 rewards that states that GH alone are not a problem--- but before every war... Look at wc... And look what they are recruiting... "Looking for gh's.. Looking for ght". When an attack build posts with looking for war, zero response. See something wrong here? That an account with less than 50k battles won is more desirable than one that has 3x more battles won? Again.. I have no problem with GH's... I have plenty of my own.. But how they are used to lower CS to draw smaller clans ... Well that's become the norm of EE WARS... I agree not all did.. But I know that kings castle didn't use gh for all of season 2 except the last week of wars... And last week of wars were SO much easier... I laughed at how stupid it was that we had to use GH to avoid the GH/LB stacked clans.. Kind of counter intuitive if u ask me
  2. This would've been great had i read this before i brought my daily limit on mith lol.. Great work overlapping things again devs 
  3. Please give Europe some decent times devs but nice to have wars started up at least for some
  4. Hi,

    It would be great if u can clarify the ee situation please.

    1) can we still move around clans without losing ee and when will it end ( never please? :D)
    2) will there be an ee extension or ee for participation like the end if season 1.

    Thanks in advance.
  5. Yes devs decent time for Europe nd Asia would be great last season 2 revised time was better but still ... For asians its early saturday morning .. Little tweaking would be lovely .. Thank u 
  6. Chaos wars!!!! How about the All Star War??
  7. This is great but I can ever do any wars...
  8. Looks like the devs have finally figured out a perfect excuse when things they say or do don't go as planned..... 'well-these are the Chaos wars...anything can happen... ' ... brilliant plan:)
  9. Great sounds sweet!!! Now I have more opportunities to learn to war! (Apparently your not supposed to strip you opponents. war?) fun little tid bit from the me. It would be really chaotic if you had a "jail break" random and individual to each war. Jailbreak being that instantly and randomly at any point in the war be it the first 30 seconds or last 10 minutes. Everyone in both clan get full regen. Just a fun idea from the freek.

    (Please post on my wall if you would like me in your clan for war 1)
  10. Devs, you had plenty of feedback you chose not to deal with for season 2, gh pay, gh hit range, gh/LB stacking, etc. Feel free to start here.

    The matching system must be fixed. The current system is a joke, you might as well have a "WAR" button that randomly decides wether or not you won and a mith payout. At least that wouldn't waste 3 hrs of my day when your broken system gives us an unwinnable match.
  11. Season was great!!!! and yes tuff matches were among the season but they are trying!!! Not everyone is always happy but I had a blast...Ty devs. Who's ready for some chaos?
  12. I second Grass hopper!!! They are trying. Give them a break!!!
  13. @ KaW admin, good job on all the recent event updates. I enjoyed warring last season even though I've had abysmal embarrassing losses lol :-( . Ill definitely participate in this event :-D

    Have to ask? Will there be some sort of achievement badge given out? Yes some of us vain folk here like shiny trinkets. I admit ;-) :|
  14. Well if the gh and one war wonder are happy, I guess all is great. Ignore the comments of the guy who's been warring 4x a week since the initial trials
  15. Certainly not a war noob myself. Season one was a slaughter fest and season two was a tower challenge. Can't wait to see what's the top end on these chaos warsWAR keep it coming devs thank you... GRASS_HOPPER
  16. Let's bring crazy in kaw 
  17. Devs could u plz hurry and post the wars for the whole weekend so we can all prepare our schedules? I prefer not waiting till the last minute. Otherwise you'll get less participation, given that people won't have time to prepare.
  18. Will everyone stop bitching. They will make changes they will listen to you. Instead of being little kids who ***** about every little thing and appreciate that there is wars to get mith. Give them a break. They are giving us something else besides ebs to do. If more clans would war it would fix alot of the problems
  19. Its seems to me that everything is exactly the same about wars as a week ago. How can u name them differently when nothing at all has changed, Yawn! Change something besides the name lol.
  20. Well Cloud the reason there are not more clans participating is there are problems, like the GH/LB combo. For the issues to be fixed people need to raise it and that is exactly what people are doing.

    Thanks for your feedback community, please keep it coming and make it constructive.