CHAOS WARS - Week 1: Skirmishes and Encounters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. @Removal of TVP

    I would just do a partial refund to loosers. That shouldent be "breaking the system".
  2. I support all of those ideas except the removal of tvp for losers and the addition of 3 hour wars. I know it is my fault for not having a top performing ewar clan but that vp is how i hot a few upgrades on my helm/crown and the ring yall gave me for rancor Lv8(whicg is super cool by the way :) )

    I really enjoy the 1 hour wars. The two hour wars from my experience end up being over by the first hour. Im rarely wrong in calling that.

    a few exploit it?
    another good feature gone because a suspected few..
  3.  Yes down with vp, fixing PS seems like a tricky one though. It's a legitimate build. And someone with no troops shouldn't be able to be hit by troops theoretically. But I also see the problem if the 10 man wars continue as far as ps goes, 3 LB could cast PS Alts to just sit there the whole war while the opponent
  4. *they destroy
  5. Support to remove TVP
  6. Keep tvp - as Fractals mentioned, it is good for many.

    PS is equivalent to GH... A strategy. If you allow one, you need to allow both.

    10 man wars are bad.

    War# variation is fine. Shouldn't go less than 15, shouldn't go higher than 40 (for EE, at least)
  7. DEVS has gone crazy on us 
  8. From my experience it is 80% CS/ 10% BFE / 10% BFA/ it is why the majority of the winning clans have 50% GH. It is also the reason you will find 3 LB on one team and no LB on another.

    I was in a clan that matched SORTA perfectly the first three match was a difference of 5 Billion or less plunder. They added 2 to 3 LB players in the next two match and destroyed us.
  9. I will get over it after about 5 minutes but removing tvp solely because a few exploit it is such crap. It took.. Idk. Thousands abusing osfs before anything was done.
    The system's grip on the mith supply is tight enough imo.

    You guys can obviously spot people who abuse the the game in ways that is not in the spirit of war.

    Again. Tvp is the best incentive to war for people who lose/lose often/ always lose.
    Winning is great. Losing stings in ewar.
    You have a great system.

    If the community agrees that it should be removed then so be it. I seriously cannot support that. I have never abused tvp and i usually decide to assist underdog clans. I would rather help them win for some reason.

    now removing tvp and simply giving back the mith with out earning it seems odd.
    you might as well make a 1 mith spell called tge ewar battle spell that is solely for ewar.
    then 1 lost doesnt matter.
    Sorry my post or not all comprises into one but i was thrown back by that one proposal.

    If there was a way to null the mith payout for people who dont cast mith spells it would fix the exploit. Idk how that would work or if it is possible.
  10. Yes please remove TVP and just refund the mith used with a maximum of 14 miths I want to sleep after war and not stay up only to get my mith back.
    Maybe try 15/15, 25/25 and 35/35 roster wars.
    And tighten the dts/dtw. I'm 3M cs and I can hit higher than 15M cs that guy is 5 times my size, why isn't he too strong for me?? Would also fix the GH issue
  11. A solution would be to refund mith cast to losers. Max of 14 refunded... Saves time hitting that god awful eb.

    Losers should not be refunded pot money hiting Vp where as winners get no such reward other than mith. Just refund mith and be done with it IMO. Don't cast any spells for war, don't get any refund
  12. :? i feel like i am one of the few who even like tvp concept; not to mention the art. maybe i should just back out of this thread now.
    it is an elegant and engaging epic battle devs. you did well. :cool:
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I agree it sucks that some people abuse it and perhaps removing it isn't the most elegant solution. But it isn't the only reason, we also get a lot of negative feedback from people saying they are too tired usually to do TVP after a war. I like the idea of a single war spell though. That has some merit.
  14. @DEV Barcode

    That is a great aoloution to be refunded all mith up to 14-15 (15 was max on TVP). This would stop exploit and is fair.
  15. Or possibly to allow loosers to buy up to 14 back after loss.
  16. Refund up to 14 mith at end of war. Would stop exploiters and add more convenience to war.
  17. Just remove TVP and reward the mith spells that were casted with a max of 14.

    Would it be removed for no match? Some of the TVP clans purposely aim for no match by messing with roster or trying to be odd clan out.
  18. I think this refund is going somewhere. :p
  19. Awesome kaw admin. I like the idea too.

    Heres why.

    Would Easy to prepare for war and easy to cast.

    For you guys.. I think you could probably rig up a quick test war for an exclusive ewar spell..
    I heard a rumor you are considering an ewar xstal next season. Maybe you could sell bundle packs of eStals* and rancor tokens*(see below)

    Doing that might free up our mith for purchasing alchemist equip/upgrading it/ and of course the favorite kingdoms at past time




    Maybe ata could... Dare i say? Add tvp as a 4-5 part series eb set without mith drops.

    Maybe rancors curse can be 'tokens' that a clan can use to unlock the tvp eb set.
    It could take a lot of tokens to do so.. And Your clan would have to ewar to get the tokens(or at least gain enough from waring elsewhere to use)
    Maybe the illusive clan plunder bonus spot could be filled by conquering this cursed army summoned in full force to burn our kingdoms to the ground.. Idk :)
  20. Thank you Kaw_Admin for your reply and yes I have seen that explication before. I'm basing that question off our last war against zaft. Their top 5 or so had more bfa than our entire clan comb if I had to guess lol. Their cs were much bigger. Even more so since we had 13 gh to their 1. The only thing I see we might have had an advantage on is bfe. Which does not make up for the severe lack of the other 2. That is why I ask the question on how much emphasis is placed where. Bfe being the only thing in our favor and the easiest and cheapest to adjust if that is the problem lol.

    I like the idea of the 50 vs 50 wars. Brings a new element and greater dynamic to the war system. I'm sure it will be hard for a lot of clans to get those numbers even we are struggling but I like the larger war numbers it allows smaller battles inside a bigger war scope and keeps the game from becoming stale. With that many in roster I can imagine the variants in builds and bfe and bfa would creat a lot of no matches. Which was reason 2 for the previous question. To let everyone better understand what needs to take place to get a match as clan roster numbers go up.

    Removal of tvp I like the idea and just refund the basic 14 mith for the 2 atk and spy spells. If people choose to gamble then lose the war then they are just out the extra mith.