CHAOS WARS - Week 1: Skirmishes and Encounters

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. I've yet to be involved in one, but I'm already loving the 10 man idea. It makes it so much easier to introduce people to war since I only need 9 or 10 newbies rather than a small fortune of them :D
  2. really enjoyed the 10 person war. Hope to see more of them.
  3. Your matching system is truly flawed, but I do love some ee wars
  4. Thanks for this weekend KAW.

    Any chance of a few mid-week 1 hour wars as well please?

    Thank you for your consideration.
  5. Devs: would really appreciate a response to this. Did the match algorithm change for these 50vs50? The numbers don't seem to be adding up. Even with the infamous match algorithm of season 2, this couldn't have happened, could it? Did you forget to push the no match button before making matches?

    Don't get me wrong, it was a fun war. I had a blast warring along side Dragon Sanctuary, but the numbers from what you had originally stated was the limits of matches seemed to have been crossed in all forms.

    CS: 966mil vs 882mil
    BFA: their top 4 had more bfa than our whole clan. Then u add 4 more lbs on top of that and ouch we are in trouble.
    Numbers: we had 3 gh who couldn't hit even one target. So 47 vs 50
    BFE: we had the advantage here but don't think it made up for that much CS or BFA.

    I think threshold was supposed to be 30% for overall strength. Could you let us know what the diff was? It would help us better prepare our roster. Thanks!
  6. Truthfully, I didn't like the 10 v 10 matchups that much, but 50 v 50 was a lot of fun and was exciting all throughout!! Love the chaos of a 50 v 50 to, it was great!
  7. Our match also 100m cs out... Was a tough one. Congrats to kos and silver 
  8. Oops thanks for catching that Typo. We had 682 CS a diff of 284 mil CS
  10. I wasn't complaining you pin head. Now jog on you dumb kid
  11. i was talkin to those who were
    tower power!!
  12. I think he was talking to me haha... There's a difference between complaining and asking for answers so that things can be adjusted for future... Some people win a war and they are experts on strategy and think everyone else doesn't know a thing about EE lol
  13. im just sick of seein ppl complaining instead of learnin and adjusting thats all
  14. 50 people rockd war 6 Devs ty for great fun, I m guessing hit ratio was opend a little so all of us could hit with no problem: ) great job.
    I can see people still complaining with getting mach up or not , sort u mind out guys you want to war or not b happy u got a Mach up and war enstead of getting together 50 and doing TVP u lose some u win some wars ain't fare, they can't have so many clans not facing any one just because the ratio is not equal it's almost impossible for so many clans mach equal cs so there always be a gap toward you or enemy.
    Thank you again Devs that was chaos haha
  15. well said bringers!!!
  16. I agree with harbel I was fortunate enough to make it in to a 50vs50 and ya it was awesome!!! Kinda reminded me of pre season 1, without the crazy 4 hr timer. It truly was chaos, people everywhere, ya really had to move n it was exciting always something goin on. I can see the issue of getting 50 people war ready, capable and willing could be a prob. It's honestly worth merging for the day n just warring like crazy. Hands down best war I've had in a long time.
  17. WSP I'm beginning to think that we're never going to get anywhere with the matchups and we might just have to accept what the EE wars are. It's a damn shame. when wars first started a main focus point of devs was to be able to war with your clan , hence the loss of EE if you left clan, now very few clans war on their own , LB and GH are mercing in droves, my clan has had the crap kicked out if it for months, our LB is in the 100s and we don't have any GH as members. The current system is dysfunctional because it doesn't allow you to have a chance to succeed without changing who you are as a clan. Just too bad because we really love to war. It's the only reason we play. :(
  18. And let me just add that people will say "oh adapt change , you need to use GH now" ... Well that may be true, however even with GH very rarely do you match a clan with similar builds, you either screw another clan over by out gunning them up top, having the GH lower your stats, or you get screwed by a clan with bigger builds than you. it's not as if the GH are adding to your strategy, the whole game is who can out screw the other side better, and and there is no feeling of respect or accomplishment in that in my opinion.
  19. Lmfao wsp ... U don't know how to ee war ... Maybe u need lessons ?

    I'm sorry just too funny ... And yes matching still stinks

    Don't like 10 man wars as u have to split up rosters ... Don't like 50 man rosters as it's too much ...

    I'm fine with u testing it and letting everyone blow off some steam just wouldn't do them myself ... U had the number right at 29 it's hard enough to get a clan who can cover 2 or three of the tz with a 29 man roster and work out a good strategy with good teamwork 50 ifor 1 tz if a perm addition would further break down clans structure and loyalty more ...

    I'm glad u all had fun but I hope ur working just as hard to fix the real issues with ee and help us help u

    Anyone thinks their is any way to beat zaft with the rosters they put up without trying to equally stack bigs at top ... U are sadly mistaken .. It was done a few times durning the season but then never repeated .. And for good reason

    Not zaft fault for being that big .. They don't use exploits they don't use gh they don't use barcode names ... They are just huge

    Devs gave them a match blame them all I'm saying is thinking wsp can't war or doesn't know wat he is doing either just doesn't know anything at best or is an idiot
  20. Please add mid week wars again. It's a war game, would love EE all the time. Love the 10 person wars! Very cool. Love how it has more clans warring. 50 vs 50 haven't had the pleasure yet but looking forward to it.