Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Hell no Me! I can JUST make 9pm GMT, can't be home early enough for any earlier. Move it back an hour won't bother me but any earlier I can't war mon-fri again. Would be like S2 all over again 
  2. People complaining about gmt war times being terrible cause they're at dinner time or whatever drive me crazy. Until devs started making these time changes wars in the South Pacific region of the world occured only during working hours or sleeping hours (8:00 am, 11:00 am, & 3:00 am, etc), which made waring only even possible on weekends if you have a job or go to school. You guys whinge about an hour, or that times interrupt your meal times. Get over it, and adjust your free time a bit if you want to war.
  3. devs said they'd look at times and we got 9pm which is great unless you are setting up wars and you can't prep coz at work and oh we got 6am and 3am and now 8am. So because the majority of clan members are USA they are asleep when we can war at 12 noon or 2pm so wars aren't organised or not enough people on. Or we are asleep or at work so its back to about 1 or 2 wars a week. I know the sgt times have been complained about too and I have stated in several posts that there must be a time slot that works for all time zones.
  4. The Last war I used 44 mitril, we won the war, and I won 26 mitril. Why???, If I know that I try lose
  5. Match up system still terrible, can we get an explanation on what exactly you base match up on, two wars in a row where opponent has biggest 3 to 4 builds in war. Its a complete joke
  6. Why not small pepl _ why is the helth restrection on
  7. JOIN =. THE K9unit NEW CLAN

  8. So much for hit restrictions turned on .....
  9. Im glad i get ignored anytime i ask about match up system.
  10. Plz if possible adjust pst wars 1 hour later .. It conflicts with driving home in our commutes or makes warring during dinner .. Argument everyday . 8/9/10 pm pst would b perfect
  11. Still no reply ???? Come on devs quit worrying about releasing new **** until you FIX the stuff already in place. Matchups are still crap and not even close to being acceptable.
  12. Props to chronos hq for a well organized fight. However devs what are you thinking. Evidently bfa isn't a factor in this anymore. This was the worst mismatch I've seen in a long time. Get with it please.
  13. agreed. was a huge mismatch
  14. agreed ...