Chaos Wars (7/7 - 7/13)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. People casting alts so they can have an account on both sides
    ? .......
  2. An interesting idea that has been spoken of before has been to have individual wars and clan wars at the same. Clan warriors stay in their clan cast WOC and individual warriors leave and cast WOC. Great idea for everyone in my opinion.
  3. I agree on moving back the 9pm est wars to 10pm like they were so many more people can do 10pm est.
  4. Are these times for America or are they for somewhere else?
  5. Yup Run Both @ the same time .best option
  6. Problem with running both at same time is both types of war will be spread too thin - theres already a sign up issues with non-indie wars, why increase the problem
  7. Cut the hit restriction off this weekend kaw
  8. Looking for war 14 wall me plz
  9. 7pm pdt again please
  10. when does the season end and how do rewards work? do i need to have an active ee at the end of the season to get rewards?
  11. Beast the season hasn't started yet, but I hope it does soon.
  12. lance1a - loves to be inactive and leak and I am sure he must have been a mole
  13. When chaos war event ends
  14. I'm getting sick of these indi wars my Mach ups have been crap and I am always mached up against ppl all spy with only a few to counteract them In battle