Devs please explain how an inactive member in war gets to keep his EE if the clan loses but everyone else in the clan loses a level. This is going to promote people signing up for war and if they don not like their matchup they have nothing to worry about except losing some pots.
You raise a valid concern, and this is something that has a more noticeable impact with the individual wars. Let me talk with the developers about this.
Kaw_community, Can you look the post change your build day with 800supporters? Can this to developer too Please.
Oh ampersand cut off glitch happened in last post . I was saying I made wars 2 and 3 yesterday loved them . They are more focused on war strategy than on stacking a clan roster the way regular season has been working. If we can add more war times that would be fantastic . Also please consider keeping them during regular season in place of or in addition to the regular ee wars thanks. Many of the issues I've seen people complain about seem to be resolved in these types of wars. Other than mixing up how we come out of ko it is such an immense improvement to the season wars . Good job
@ cerebrial_warrior, I disagree about individual wars being an immense improvement over clan wars. In reality, we have simply traded one set of problems for another. In individual wars, you have the recurring problems of inactives, no wl/tk, people casting alts so they have an account on both sides of a war and can "throw" the war one way or the other, etc. If you are solely focused on clan stacking, than yes, the individual wars address that issue to some extent. But they do not solve all of the issues with respect to EE wars. I suggest that the devs run both sets of wars simultaneously. If your clan can get a team together, cast WoC and remain in clan and war as a clan (with the attendant risks of roster stacking, etc. but you CHOOSE to accept that risk). Otherwise, cast WoC and move outside a clan and be placed in an individual war (with the attendant risks of no WL/TK, inactive accounts, etc, but you CHOOSE that risk). Let the players choose the risk they want when they war. Cheers, Kage.