Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) + War Feedback

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    This would benefit the mids and newer bigs more because they are facing bigger opponents that already have the bonuses.
  2. Dear Dev, please bring back SGT 10am war for us, tqvm...
  3. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Change times back ( original 1 hr difference)
  4. I created a more elaborate questionnaire on an apple IIe in grade school with hyperlink. Cmon, ask some real questions and show some effort.
  5. Please add more individual wars and reduce clan based ones!

    After doing two seasons in stacked RH clan rosters and almost falling asleep from boredom of easy boring wars, I found a new excitement with individual wars that are more fair, much more challenging and total fun!

    I hope that season 4 of Estonic Wars will be based on individual wars!
  6. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    [​IMG] good.. Very good..
  7. Individual Wars would be more successful if you allowed the following:

    1) Kicking of inactives by one of the admins. At least we can reduce plunder leak, at the expense of counts. Obviously an inactive admin in iWars can't be kicked (but he will likely be farmed by someone ;)

    2) Recruitment of WC/Trackers into the war clan after match to allow team to organize better.
  8. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Bet those inactive get -50% plunder spell 5 days and can't cast 3 days
  9. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Page 1,

    LOL, indy clans warring stacked roosters? That's like going to a knife fight with a tank.
  10. Spells for:
    1) willing to be war commander
    2) willing to be tracker.

    This should allow the matchups to avoid the off chance of neither being available in the clan. They would expire once clan is made so as to not tip off the opposition clan.

    Also needs to not accept anyone in to war clan that doesn't have an xtal. That way clan would not be at a disadvantage. You can pick your owner message but something like "You been rejected because you aren't properly prepared to war, you selfless .....". You can fill in the dots yourself.

    There needs to be some punishment for inactivity or near inactivity. Maybe have alchemist disabled for 1 week.

    Not sure why but at times mist cast up to 14 is not returned on a loss. You all need to measure activity better and refund. There are times matchups may create few winnable (atks) targets for some players and this seems to be the main cause for not getting mith returned on a loss.
  11. Why are people afraid to wc. If you have done a full season you should have some idea of strategy. What's the worse that could happen? U lose. Tk I can see that. That's a special skill but that is what the challenge of individual wars bring
  12. What would be amazing is 50/50 indi and clan wars makes everyone happy, if u dont like clan wars do indi, if u dont like indi wars do clan wars, simple as that
  13. To those thinking about doing the normal nerf the SH talk, don't waste your time. The devs by their own admission created spells to allow smaller players to temporarily hit the bigger players. Then they created HTE/ROTWB which make it very easy to stock up on spells. Add to that static equip. Then there's plunder based on size differences to make it more painful, I guess, for bigs to bash smalls. I guess an attempt to minimize bullying. Now add to this a war system whose winner or loser is based solely on plunder and you have an inherently flawed set of goals.

    And remember fix suggestions for matchup algo, narrowing range, etc have been suggested since season 2 and nothing has really changed. So save your breath.
  14. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Please rotate clan wars and individual through the week. Are you blind to people requesting this for last month?
  15. Doing a good job at the moment guys
  16. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Like someone else said there is to many inactives we should be aloud to kick them or do something to them when you did that learn to war thing about 1/2 the clan was inactive they just wanted the spell they all had no clue what they were doing and didn't listen to the people who DID know
    1) if 1/2 of your clan is inactive you don't loose your EE.
    2) if they cast wave 2 times in a row and are inactive they cannot war for 24 hours
    3) you can tell some people (try) to make alt accounts to war and spy on the enemy there should be a cs minimum for even casting it
    4) better roster matchups 
    5) being able to run Ebs 1 hour before war and while were waiting for the rewards
  17. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    No one wants clan wars right now except the manipulators stacking bigs and sh, and the all sh rosters ( whom I respect). The other 95% of kaw is fed up with the bull ****.
  18. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    I don't see why u can't run clan wars and iwars simultaneously and only match clans warring with other clans and individual war clans with other individual war clans, hence matches wouldn't turn out worse
  19. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    I can war most on the weekends, yet there are clan wars on weekends so I cannot war as easily, either rotate Iwars and clan wars each day or do them simultaneously
  20. Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback

    Where's the 4th timeslot gone? The ones usually AFTER time slot 3, and BEFORE time slot 1.. These hours are crap for my work schedule.
