You will eventually have nothing but alts doing individual wars, if you can lose your edge in them. No one will want to chance losing their edge because of people that sign up and are inactive.
Agree, ours probably just cost us the war. There needs to be some kind of penalty system in place to prevent them signing up for a selected amount of time. Saying that though our war was a blast again and a good matchup, enjoying these individual wars a lot.
Great war times (now). Two awesome nail biters in b2b individual wars. I look forward to war 9 tomorrow.
Dear Devs: As a US player who works evenings, you have successfully scheduled every individual war for a time I will be at work. I have numerous friends telling me that these wars are loads of fun, if a little frustrating with all the inactives and cc chatter, but it seems I shall not get an opportunity to see for myself. I war most often during the 8-9 am est time slot. Please throw an individual war in there for us poor people who don't work 9-5 EST. Thank you for your attention! -Dalichae
Im not happy about those new times for GMT. 9pm instead of 10 pm. Those times don't sound so bad, but you need to sign up 2 hrs ahead of it. Thats the problem. :cry: Could you shorten the signup time or just circulate the times during the week :?: :mrgreen:
Good idea troll. Something that lets them know minimum standard requirements like mith, pots and xtal as well would be good.
did first indi war with alt, will not do one with this account for sure. I would eliminate them all together
Full support to the individual wars they are fun and non-exclusive. who cares if the LB and SH don't wanna participate, they can fight each other in the normal wars. this is great for whoever enjoys them and should be a part of next seasons, especially if the matchups arent fixed by then.
It says that u get 10 dragon eggs per ko for wed wars. i got 4 kos weds individual war but only got 25 eggs. why?