The times the wars were at are not the reason participation is so low. Why do the devs refuse to address the reasons people do not want to participate instead of messing with the times the wars are at?
We lose ee for losing in individual wars? Surely as they are luck-based for the most part we should not lose ee?
Hi Kaw, Any chance to mix 7,8,9pm gmt war timings? I can understand that all 8pm gmt was not good for everybody but similarly all 7pm is not good too (at least very selfishly for me) This is what was done at start. Was quite good. Thanks
I am happy with the timings for gmt and im sure american timezones fit the players well to, yet it seems asia and australia are being left out, i propose rather than having 2 individual wars at 7pm gmt and 2 at 1am gmt why not have any at 1pm gmt ?? Which i think would help some timezones try out these indivual wars ?? It seems your just ignoring the people in australian timezone and asian timezone.
@Kaw_community I hope you also thought that most people who joined individual wars did some Sleep Deprivation especially us Asians, and since there is an EE lose (risk factor) I doubt many would try it ,we dont like to risk spells we worked hard for. And can please pute a 370hours ban on casting woc for those who go inactive on war? This will minimize inactives and make quality of war become higher. Thanks
At kaw_community can all individual wars be clasic wars? I enjoyed them so much because I didn't have to be spam scanning all hour long it takes the fun away from it as it looks right now I won't do any advantage wars because they are just to much work
I'm on the east coast but I.don't know which time I should go by for the individual wars. Could some one tell me Thanks, skan
Wow I can actually do ee wars again?! Thanks for these random wars. I just may start spending money on your game again…
I personally don't like the wars being 1 hour earlier, gone from being able to do 7 wars a week to 0 wars a week now. Can you alternate days maybe, some with the changed time, some not
Hmmm individual wars already taking over the war schedule.... I hope this is for testing purposes. The community was pretty clear last week that as a whole we don't want to see individual wars replace the other system, but rather make a good accessory to it. Will be interesting to see how people like those wars once they lose ee when their side gets beaten. Least ill get to try it now