And 8. Think of the majority of KaW and the popular war times and accommodate these people, not the low percentage. Ampersand/:
7:00 pm pacific are good the rest can move however it fits. But don't change 7 pm pacific and thanks for all the good work
Support The person who said something about the aussie weekday times - Its pretty much true, I only have 3options of war each week. You only have 2if theres a 9year old or a 10,11…etc on. and its true because we actually are either at school or working during those times. I also like moose's idea. But heres my idea, you could do it so that each continent gets its own war day for each week as there are 7days in a week and 7continents, then decreasing the lvl needed for the equipment there. , then as mentioned in another reply, limiting them so they can't overdo their wars for extra. and for that day there could be 2/4wars matching at least 1 for the major contries in the specific continent.
I am from the gmt time zone, and right now i can only do war 5,7,9. however if you guys can do war 2,4 two hours earlier it is possible for the whole GMT timezone to do 5 wars. Right now war 2,4 are from 0.00 till 1.00 at night. Which is
Not possible, but if you make it two hours earlier it is from 10.00 till 11.00 pm which is perfect. I think 5 wars for each timezone should be fine. Hero
1. Wars 5 and 6 switch length of duration and ko format. 2. Wars 7 and 8 switch length of duration and ko format. 3. Wars 9 and 10 switch length of duration and ko format. Thanks.
More timeslot for Europe pls. Like everyday 9pm wars would nice . Also, i did like the 4h wars, why not put them back (or longer).
For Australian based players we have little to no wars available to us during the week. And the weekend wars are at times we would either be out or still asleep. This also applies to players in the UK I have had several of the member in my clan complain that they can't make the wars because they are in the early hours of the morning.
1. Wars 5 and 6 switch length of duration and ko format. 2. Wars 7 and 8 switch length of duration and ko format. 3. Wars 9 and 10 switch length of duration and ko format. Thanks.
I can never war due to my time zone and work situation. Somewhere between 11am-3pm GMT(Monday to Friday)----9pm-12am(Saturday to Sunday) GMT is nice for me and others that work Night shifts in Canada
As someone who does rosters - wars, 1, 3, 6, 8- move an hour or two later wars 2, 4 move an hour earlier, war 5 an hour later, war 7 ,9 hour later
Sometimes i wonder what your team gets paid for You want our advice on times? Honestly! blind freddy can see the week day wars are favouriting u.s players. Do us a favour and employ blind freddy because this is a joke
all of the wars during the week are not suitable for Australian players with the 6:00am SGT wars. it would be perfect if they were 5:30-6:30 pm SGT would be good for all players in this time zone as they could hit after work please look after the players in this time zone.