Changing The Schedule - Timezone Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. Here are my thoughts on times and war length. Also think adding another 1 in the mix would help. Here is the breakdown: pst/est/gmt/sgt

    #1- Monday 6p/9p/1am/9am 1hr war
    This is doable by all timeszones and 1hr war since gmt has to sleep sometime.

    #2- Tuesday 3p/6p/10p/6am 2hr war
    This is even a better time for all timezones so thats why i say 2hrs.

    #3- Wednesday 6p/9pm/1am/9am 1hr war
    Same reason as war #1

    #4- Thursday (added) 8am/11am/3pm/11pm 2hr war
    This is easy doable and will not conflict with the next war time

    #5- Thursday 6p/9p/1a/9am 1hr war
    The same reason as war #1 and #3

    #6- Friday 11a/2p/6p/2am 1hr war
    Since this is leading up to weekend it is doable by all and 1hr war cause there is another war later and want time between wars

    #7- Friday 6p/9p/1am/9am 2hr war
    Its a weekend so 2hr war is ok at this time for pst/est/gmy

    #8- Saturday 7a/10a/2p/10p 2hr war
    This is early enough to do a 2hr war. All timezones this looks like a good time.

    #9- Saturday 7p/10p/2a/10a 1hr war
    This is also a weekend but 1hr war since its late for est and gmt

    #10- Sunday 6a/9a/1p/9p 2hr war
    No reason needed. All timeszones good and just rotating 1hr and 2hr wars

    #11- Sunday 3p/6p/10p/6am 1hr war
    This is the last day of tge weekend. For est and gmt timezones this is best to be 1hr war so they can get some rest.

    So i tried to make sure all timezones could get wars and the length of war to best suit those that work. Also tried to make sure there was hours in between wars so there is no conflict. Hope you guys like my thoughts and reason and i will apoligise for any mis spelling. Typed all from phone. Thank you for listening.

  2. Any wars that are 4pm pacific to 9pm work for me
  3. Made a thread admin,plz look it explains everything.
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  4. Devs, don't ask us what times r good, u have activity reports for each war from pre-seasons, season one and season 2 so far, y don't u just review ur data on hand?? Oh sorry forgot u'll don't review anything from past, like match up system from season one instead of season two garbage u have forced us to use (bs match ups) to the point where RH, SOTRA and others r signing up with weak eb gear to manipulate the match ups and the list goes on. I have idea, make all wars work for only one time zone and tell the rest of us to just get bent. Pick SGT as that time zone since u screwed them the worst in season one.
  5. Yea make some times for EUROPE timezones pls
  6. Monday
    War 1 should be 1pm est 2 hour
    War 2 should be 9pm est 1 hour
    War 3 should be 12pm est 1 hour
    War 4 should be 8pm est 2 hour
    War 5 should be 11am est 2 hour
    War 6 should be 9pm est 1 hour
    War 7 should be 9pm est 1 hour
    War 8 should e 3pm est 1 hour
    War 9 should be 9pm est 2 hour
    War 10 should be 10am est 2 hour
    War 11 should be 6pm est 2 hour
    War 12 should be 9pm est 2 hour
    War 13 should be 6pm est 1 hour
    This will give more time zones a chance to war and be fair for everyone to get a chance at warring. Just a idea use est because that what is put first in devs war times.
  7. Currently, other than Europe - there seems to be a good mix of wars and time starts...

    Wars 2/4/5/10 are mid afternoon/early evening EST
    Wars 1/3/6/8 are evening for the west coast
    7/9 are out there (both seem to fit Eurozone?).

    Not certain what one could change to accommodate more warriors - good luck (don't alienate your current clientele!)
  8. I notice some are pushing for earlier Eastern US start times (6 p.m. has been mentioned a lot). However, that puts the war start time during the work day for most of the rest of the US. For the so-called "US catered" war times, please keep the start times such that a normal workday will not prohibit participation for people west of the Mississippi. :)


  9. 6am and 6pm sgt 1HR WAR is nice during weekDAYS. SINCE MOST ON OUR CLAN IS SGT TIME.
    *OTHERS ARE OFF TO WORK AND OFF TO SCHOOL BEFORE 8AM and the war is done before 7:30.

    but we missed all 10 am war because everyone is working and at school that time.

    *pls let us sign up atleast 24 hrs before war for next war. so we will not be LOOKS LIKE AN OWL WAITING TO LET US CAST AND SIGN.

    *try also to observe other timezone. coz if in other u.s timezone i think if we do 6am sgt it is 6pm there, if we do 6pm sgt time it is 6am there. SO I GUESS THAT WILL BE FAIR FOR BOTH OF US.
    i dont know to other timezone.
  10. Devs are planing to strip everyone that has given away their time zone on this thread. As I live on the moon, I would like a war to start when I'm not on the dark side.

    On a more serious note, would having wars in peak playing times not make the lag worse?
  11. Moose makes a gd point there should be more wars. If u added a extra 1 hr war to each day and geared it to cover a different time zone each day it would help a lot. Bye doubling the amount of wars it would cover all zones way easier.
  12. @kaw_admin

    Why don't you use a survey tool to get feedback for stuff like this? U have very considered responses and enough input to create a survey w/o having to put much thought into it.
  13. On the weekdays, don't make it a 2 hour wait after sognups end... People have work/school in morning... No one wants to stay up until 12am warring when you have to be up at 5am.. That's the biggest problem for me right now.
  14. On weekdays instead of two hour wars which a lot can't do including myself because of school/work why not make it two separate one hour war?Then keep the two hour wars for weekends when people have more time this would be a lot more convenient.

    I know that I didn't post a time that would be ” good” that's because it would be my opinion that will only help my time zone, I hope with the idea above for everyone to be able to war.
  15. I like the Moose idea, Support.
    Once a week have a whole day of back to back 1 hour wars that rotate for 7 weeks until you have all the data you need to see what times get the most response.
  16. What about having 2 wars a day? Maybe 12 hours apart to cover different parts of the world. Or even 3?
  17. Doesn't really matter what time guys. I mean only 42 clans ever war anyways. It won't change if you change the times.
  18. @kaw_admin

    Since EE wars started, there has always been discussion about what times accomodate what timezones best, and just like the matchup algorithm, you never can please everybody..

    However, the scheme season one was perfect, if it wasn't that it accomodated US players the best, especially Asian players, and to some extend European players had harder wartimes to be active, the schedule did not change...

    Roughly distuingishing 3 timezones, US, Asian and European, a system should be created where all timezones have equal opportunities

    I know ATA keeps track of the size of communities, so in a way it is fair that a timezone that represents 50% of all players, should have more wars that suit their timezone then other timezones, but that can easily be accomplished..

    My suggestion would be to keep the war times from season 1, but simply alter EST, GMT and SGT according to their share in the total KaWmunity...

    To explain this with figures, suppose the following composition of players in the KaWmunity :

    USA 50%, Asia 25%, Europe 25%

    Then there should be a four week cycle, that runs 2x US times, 1x Asian times, 1x European times

    You stick to the schedule with respect to starting times, the only thing you have to do is change the timezones behind it

    That way everybody has equal opportunities and the same favourable start times based on their community size 

    Just my 2 cents ...
  19. War times over the weekdays are currently not suited to GMT players.

    Wars at about 2200 hours GMT are almost impossible for GMT playrrs. So are the wars at 2 AM GMT.

    I feel we shud hv some weekday wars at about 1530 hours GMT, so that all GMT players can war in those wars, irrespective of their time zone.

    Thank you for this feedback post devs
  20. Most clan struggle to get enough people for War 9. I suggest to move it later by 4 hours ie 10 SGT.
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