Changing The Schedule - Timezone Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. The euro tz wars 2,4,and 5 all need to be 1-2 hours earlier atleast if ur looking for USA help to make those tz wars u already have everyone ur going to get at both those times but u will also include more of Europe as they are plus 1-3 hours gmt right now

    USA day players u get anyway people who work durning the day don't do that war it's at drive time for edt and cdt (drive home from work at 5:00 and pick up kids, dinner watever ...

    But school kids get off at 2-3 o'clock anyway so a start time of 4 pm edt wouldn't effect them at all and day players would be on at either time this would make wars better for euro

    Asia tz wars I still have no ideas not even sure which ones are aimed at them besides USA late wars being early morning for them
  2. War 2 and 4 at 10 pm gmt would b good working those following days.
    War 6 at the sane time, earlier is still a busy rl time

  3. ^ much better times workable for most of kaw tz may be make 2 am gmt wars 3am so easier for east europe western asia to get up for
  4. I'm Europe UK and I can really only do 1 war per week unless I wake up really early or stay up till a stupid time coz I have school and I need sleep :p about 6pm is good time for us.thanks
  5. Err I'm us central time zone, and the only war I can make is war 1. So please don't change that war. I would be down for any late night wars to be added . I think it's an easier decision to lose an hr or two of sleep than it is to try changing work or school schedules around to make war.
  6. I think keep the current war schedule since i think it good for US peeps. Add more wars for Asia and EU. This way everyone happy.
  7. Working ten hrs days in cst makes virtually all wars during the week unavailable. Having a couple maybe 8-9pm est would be most beneficial.
  8. For EST during week 2hr wars best starting @ 8PM so if u lose u can finish VP EB
  9. Im in EST and really like the times for war 1,3,6 and 8  they are actually the only times I can war.

    If you are considering going back to a 11pm EST start time for Friday that you had before S2 started please keep it at 1hr war - thx
  10. For Europe should be good start of war at 6-8pm more often... thats my point. Move atleast one war on Mon-Thu to this time please. Thanks
  11. Oh by adding late night war times I guess specifically I mean something like midnight est 
  12. Europe/Uk needs war times that start after 18:00 and no later than 21:00 GMT. Concentrate on the finishing times (reasonable hour for those that work/school)

    Also do away with VP EB, let the war system give back ONLY the Mith that the loosing clan cast. NOONE WANTS TO DO VP after a war.

  13. yes
  14. Thanks for the feedback! You just gave me a genius idea.
  15. @ kaw admin
    I think every time zone should have a wk day war starting @ 8pm a 2 hr and a. 1 hr war at this time would b best. This works best for the average working class person with a family. Way to many people that work have trouble with 6 pm because of dinner and kids. I cant tell how many times Ive got in a fight with my wife because of skipping dinner or time with my children because of the war times. And even though others won't admit it I'm sure it happens to them as well. 8pm for every time zone is after dinner, and most people that have children as well are winding down. Come that time of night I'm sitting in front of the tv on kaw with no grief from anyone. I'm sure this would make a happier house hold for most the working class with a family. Thanks for reaching out to the community and getting feedback from us
  16. War 1 remains the same

    War 2 would be nice if it starts between 1-4 hours earlier

    War 3 remains the same

    War 4 same as war 2 comment

    War 5 remains the same

    War 6 starts 2-4 hours later

    War 7 remains the same

    War 8 starts 2-4 hours later

    War 9 starts 2-4 hours later

    War 10 starts 1-4 hours earlier

    Feel free to add more wars if you can't change all these wars :)
  17. War 2, 4 and 10 one hour earlyer would be great. So wars dont start at midnight
  18. I agree with trek on p1. It would be great to have the 10-10:30pm edt times switched to 1 hour wars so I can get up and not be dead tired in the morning. It's tough to go to school on 5 hours sleep.
  19. 5-6pm gmt
  20. Would be nice to have someone 8-10pm GMT times, especially 2hr wars in the week as currently I'm stuck with only 1hr wars which quite frankly sucks as given a choice I'd not waste time on them. Also an earlier evening war Saturday would be amazing.
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