Changing The Schedule - Timezone Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. I totaly agree keep the times as is just change the wars 5 n 9 to 6or 7 edt. Maybe start the weekend 7,am wars a little later too please. Please make sure to notify us of any changes with ample time to adjust
  2. Australia needs better times 8am days is no good try 4pm to 11pm
  3. Why don't you just run a war every 6hours?
  4. for me only war 2 4 and 5 timeings are good as for the current if more wars could made on these times would be much better :) thank you
  5. my only prob is most uk friendly war times are 1 hour :roll: plus the big gap between wars 2 - 3, any chance of a 2 hr war around 7-8 pm gmt. ty for your time! lord9 :twisted:
  6. Support kaw_trial_spy war time suggestion..... Asian peeps need more suitable war time... Right now, either 8-9am (working time) or 5-6 am (to early time) and only 1 war time which is 8-9pm (best time) the rest... Its killing asian peeps...
  7. Looking at war times I would ask that wars #2, 4 and 10 are moved to an earlier time of 2000 or 2100 hrs GMT. War #5 moved to an hour later so that UK players can get home from work in time to find a clan and cast WoC. Can uk members have a Saturday night war about 2000 hrs, currently the only war available to us (#7) is smack in the middle of the afternoon which is when those of us with families are out and about.

    Thanks very much for your consideration. 
  8. For the love of all that is good change a few of the 10PM GMT times to 6-7 PM GMT! [/blue]
  9. BB code fails :(
  10. As far as week day "wars" go you could always consider doing a 1 hour war every 3-4 hours starting say at 7-8pm gmt then every 3-4hours after
    Shorten sign ups to an hour
    Get rid of vp eb and just reinstate mith cast for losers no profit exploit available
    Everyone gets to war at a time that suits them more and I seriously doubt any clan of real people would attempt every war unless they have no life.

    Weekends give one evening to euro possibly.

    Also to get rid of a lot of wasted time and nonsense and cost that puts people off you could consider having actions available up until 15 minutes before wars start and basically a free regen to all warring before the war starts to ensure everyone is full. A free regen before war as well as us using xtals should balance out if not actually encourage more to war
  11. Not sure if anyone as already mentioned this but GMT isn't UK time at the moment. UK is an hour later so a 10pm GMT war doesn't actually start in UK while 11pm! When the clocks change on 27th October for daylight saving time it will bring them inline with GMT. Personally I liked the test wars that started at 9pm UK time.
  12. There needs to be more consideration for the South Pacific countries as a whole. You list USA east and west time zones and consider those, but for the whole South Pacific you only even list Singapore. That means people in Australia and New Zealand for example have to look at SGT and then count two to five hours ahead respectively, the same goes for every other country in the region. That means that it's difficult to make even the SGT friendly wars. I work a regular day job, and can only ever make, at best, two wars on weekends because all the wars during the week are either midday when I'm at work, or seriously the middle of the night when I'm sleeping. There are a lot of players in this region, especially Australian, and we are just barely given the chance to war at all.
  13. I think 9pm GMT would be much better for UK members, UK people who work can only war the 10pm GMT ones and that kills us with having to stay up so late, especially if we lose because then we have to so the VP EB afterwards, thanks Kaw_Admin
  14. Hmm I think if you made it a little more feasible for PDT players that'd be nice!
  15. And by that I mean make them later
  16. Plz add more wars at 2pm GMT. The current times suck! Only 2/10 wars for me.
  17. well ... ummm only thing we have to tell is plz keep generalised time for both the timezones ... and keep it on alternate days ..... while setting the time .... just make sure u dont make it late night or too early for them .. :)
  18. 1 or 2 afternoon/night war times for Aussies, lucky to war twice a week in s2
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