Changing The Schedule - Timezone Question

Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Sep 30, 2013.

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  1. We would love to see the same schedule keeping the 10 wars the same ..and then adding 2 wars .. Possibly Monday and Wednesday at 12 pm PST, which would be around 8 pm for UK players. Thanks devs!
  2. Tengo cero deseo de la guerra. ¡Traigan el banquete de mil pizzas.

  3. First of all there will never be an agreement about war times when you have people from every time zone warring. Even if you all would somehow come up with the most practical war schedule possible their would still be people unhappy about it somehow, This is a war game after all, War seldom occurs when it's most convenient to those involved !!!!! Quit crying about it. Yeah a lot of war times don't fit into my schedule well at all but I do everything I can to be able to war as much as possible, even if it means only getting a couple hrs sleep before my next shift starts or having to wake up at 3am to get ready for war. Oh yeah and those that say 2 hr wars are too long or hard and would prefer only 1 hr wars!!!! Really ???? Wow you would of really had problems when wars were 24-48 hrs !!!!!! And Lastly but really I should of said this first, ATA Dev's what are you thinking ?? Worry about your #1 problem before anything else and that is get your war system running decent !!!! It's a joke right now many of your older players are already sitting out of wars and many more will continue to do so until you all finally figure out what needs to be done.
  4. Most of d asians cant do wars on weekdayz coz all d wars r scheduled at the time when they r asleep ..want some wars in the daytime too like at 11am gmt
  5. Well I'm late sorry.. I had school and didnt have the for forums honestly ...

    Honestly the asia UK sector is being neglected ..
    GMT Times start at 12am for most <UK and then you have the people that are on the later side of that who can't.. The GMT wars se to be suiting the US more.. I suggest having the war times split into even sectors then leaving it for the dedicated players to war rather than giving USA all the appreciation .. Hell they don't a government!
    (Oh and I know your Canadian ;))
  6. Increase the number of wars from 10 to 14 and those 4 new addition should be WEEKDAYS WAR of evening timing just like war 9, for asian peeps. And restrict casting of woc per week to 8-9wars per player. This is the only solution with no drawbacks plus it will result in equality. All asians and auss peeps will agree with this I think.
  7. I dont care what times are! Doooo iiiit! It would just be great to have a war schedule at all!!!
  8. Any war between. GMT 2am to 6pm would be much appreciable.
  9. what the point UN t6l3 when ee clan are not going to upgraded with the shambles thst is match up system. what was the point in asking people about wars and the doing nothing about it? zaft v risk what are you playing at? have you even conceded bfa in natch ups? I cab see another boycott coming soon.
  10. SG 5am for all wars please means wake up war and go to work easy
  11. more evening wars for gmt time zone would be great. round 7pm
  12. SGT 6am and 10am means no wars during weekdays for working adult. Preference is a slot for SGT 7pm.
  13. I'd love to war more please just double the amount of wars and do it soon. Please?
  14. Hi i would love to war but the times are stopping me from ibam gmt player and want better times
  15. for me im SGT-2:30 so im almost happy with all bt the 6am SGT is a bit to late for me the earlier 4am SGT worked really good for me..i like these wars at night cause the week is full of plans so atleast we can take out 2-3 hrs at if it starts in the middle of the night then its kind of no sleep all night so my change would be 6am SGT->4am SGT
  16. related to my earlier post... @kaw_admin please note that nobody in Europe is on GMT (at least till the hour changes back) => UK is on GMT +1 (called BST)
    also besides UK there are some other countries in Europe, with GMT+1/2/3/... hours - so if you change the hour for a 10PM GMT war to 9 PM (random example) you might not help the rest of Europe - a GMT+3 will still have trouble in joining - for that reason please consider if you decide to allow EU to have some weekday wars going for 7-8 PM GMT wars and/or 5-6 AM GMT wars (so you can actually wake up at 5-6-7AM play the war and leave for work). Morning wars should be 1H wars or 9-10 PM GMT should be 1h wars

    thanks, and hope you will at least consider this feedback

  17. Sat 5pm sgt would b gud for Indian warriors. Ty.
  18. For India it is only two wars we can do that is sat 10pm sgt and sun 6pm sgt. We are approxt 2:30 hrs behind sgt. Plz consider more wars in our timezone too. Ty.
  19. If you cant resolve the war inequality, which is highly likely then can i suggest an alternative???

    Pay x3 rancor for all asia/aus/european players as compensation for the lack of wars provided.

    While certain tz get the luxury to war often and sit pretty with 20 rancor,while we struggle to collect a couple points each week with the pathetic amount of wars we can do.

    All we want is a even tournament where everyone is afforded the same opportunity as everyone else playing this game.

    Not to much to ask is it?????
  20. Ideal would be if u added extra wars on new times. Its harf enough to get a spot in wars as it is.
    I am from europe so adding a new war somewhere from Monday to Thursday around 5 or 6 pm gmt would be great.
    Or move a war to this time
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